Home Home-Remedies How to naturally remove dark spots from the face due to pregnancy

How to naturally remove dark spots from the face due to pregnancy


A good way to remove the spots that appear on the face during pregnancy can be done using a homemade mask prepared with tomatoes and yogurt, as these ingredients contain substances that naturally lighten the skin. In addition, you can also spray your face daily with lemon and cucumber juice or a solution of milk and turmeric.

Dark spots on the skin during pregnancy arise due to hormonal changes and may be associated with exposure to the sun without sunscreen. They usually appear after 25 weeks of gestation and can remain for months, even after the baby is born, so it is important to prevent them from becoming even darker.

1. Tomato and yogurt mask


  • 1 ripe tomato; 1 plain yogurt.

Method of preparation

Knead the tomato very well and mix it with the yogurt and then apply it over the desired area, leaving it to act for about 10 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water and apply sunscreen.

2. Milk and turmeric solution


  • Half a cup of turmeric juice; Half a cup of milk.

Method of preparation

Mix turmeric juice and milk and apply to the face every day. See more health benefits of turmeric.

3. Spray of lemon and cucumber juice


  • Half a lemon; 1 cucumber.

Method of preparation

Mix the juice of half a lemon with the juice of a cucumber in a container and spray on the face about 3 times a day.

These home remedies help to lighten the skin stains and can be done daily, but it is very important to use sunscreen every day with SPF at least 15 and avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 4 pm, wearing a hat or cap and always wearing sunscreen to not make the stains worse.

In addition, a good way to attenuate the color of the spots is through a gentle exfoliation of the face, which can be performed about 2 times a week.

How to naturally remove dark spots from the face due to pregnancy