Home Bulls How to remove pillow marks from your face

How to remove pillow marks from your face


The marks that appear on the face after a night of sleep, can take some time to pass, especially if they are very marked.

However, there are very simple ways to prevent or mitigate them, choosing the right pillow, or even getting them eliminated more quickly.

How to remove the marks from the face

To remove the marks on the pillow from your face, what you can do is pass a small pebble of ice over the marks, because the ice helps to deflate the face and the results can be observed in a few minutes.

However, ice should not be applied directly to the face, as it can burn the skin. The ideal is to wrap the ice pebble on a sheet of kitchen paper and then apply to the marks, making circular movements.

The cold will cause a decrease in blood vessels, making the pillow marks disappear, which appear because the face is swollen during sleep and due to the pressure that the head made on the pillow.

How to prevent the appearance of marks on the face

Generally, cotton pillowcases are the ones that most mark the face. Therefore, the best way to prevent the appearance of marks is to opt for satin or silk pillowcases, which have a smoother surface.

The position in which you sleep is also important and, therefore, people who sleep on their side, with their faces in the pillowcase, tend to have more marks. So, to prevent this from happening, sleeping on your back is the best option.

Know the best mattress and pillow to sleep better.

How to remove pillow marks from your face