Home Bulls 4 Homemade ways and other options to reduce dark circles

4 Homemade ways and other options to reduce dark circles


To remove dark circles, simple home treatments can be used, such as cucumber, chamomile, potato or ice, but there are also anti-dark circles creams and aesthetic treatments such as laser and acid peeling, for example.

Home treatments have better results for dark circles that appear from time to time, because you have slept badly, spent the night crying or are very tired, for example. As for dark and deep dark circles, specialized treatments are usually required, performed by specialized physicians or physiotherapists.

Home treatment options

How to remove dark circles with cucumber

Some great home treatment options for dark circles are:

  1. Apply a cold compress of chamomile tea for 5 minutes before sleeping and on waking up, because chamomile soothes the skin and the cold temperature reduces the size of blood vessels, clearing the eye area; Put slices of cold potato or slices of cucumber and let it act for approximately 15 minutes, the temperature makes a vasoconstriction, leaving the region less swollen and both the cucumber and the potato lighten the skin naturally; Place a piece of cold aluminum foil on the dark circles for about 15 minutes. This technique works in the same way as the potato, contracting the pots and reducing the appearance of the dark circles; Pass an ice stone for 10 seconds and repeat up to 3 times, after waking up, as the cold causes the skin to contract, reducing the depth of the dark circles and lightening it naturally.

In addition, eating well, drinking plenty of water, getting enough rest, quitting smoking, avoiding stress and sleepless nights are also some ways to prevent dark circles from appearing or worsening.

See also other homemade options for dark circles under: home remedy for dark circles.

Specialized aesthetic treatments

How to remove dark circles with Peeling

Some of the most common cosmetic treatments performed to remove dark circles include:

  1. Dark circles creams: they must be prescribed by the dermatologist and help to diminish blood vessels, decongest the area and clear it. The chosen cream should be applied at night to dark circles, with circular movements in a counterclockwise direction, from outside to the inner corner of the eyes, until it is completely absorbed. Peeling with acid (retinoic or glycolic): Powerful aesthetic treatment, which achieves great results, being especially indicated for cases of genetic dark circles, very dark and well marked; Laser: Excellent treatment that must be performed by a dermatologist or specialized physiotherapist, who can eliminate much of the dark circles and in some cases even eliminate it.

Whichever therapy you choose, you need to be aware that if dark circles are of genetic origin, they will probably never be completely eliminated, but they can be alleviated with the treatments mentioned above. We are a family owned and operated business.

How to remove dark circles with makeup

To remove dark circles with makeup it is necessary to apply a good concealer for dark circles, in a shade lighter than that of your skin or color. Some good concealers for dark circles are:

  • Avene green eye concealer brush; Eye care anti-dark concealer; Mary kay liquid concealer.

To use the concealer for dark circles correctly, with a brush apply a small amount of the product as shown in the image and then blend the brush on the skin, so that it fills the region.

To remove dark circles, use yellow concealer, to remove reddish circles, use green concealer and to remove yellow circles, use lilac concealer.

How to remove dark circles caused by crying

To remove dark circles caused by crying, a good facial lymphatic drainage can be performed, as it quickly reduces the swelling of the eyes and lightens dark circles. See how to drain in this video:

4 Homemade ways and other options to reduce dark circles