Home Bulls 4 Homemade Tips and Solutions to Treat Pregnancy Acne

4 Homemade Tips and Solutions to Treat Pregnancy Acne


To treat acne in pregnancy, it is important to use products for external use, because the drugs usually indicated for the treatment of severe acne are contraindicated in pregnancy as they can harm the baby.

During pregnancy there are changes in hormonal levels, which favors the appearance of pimples and other skin changes. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is common for the skin to get worse due to sudden hormonal changes, which increase the oiliness of the skin and favor the production of sebum and the formation of acne, and for this reason, the care listed below must be followed daily, and throughout the pregnancy.

4 Tips to fight pimples in pregnancy

To combat acne in pregnancy it is recommended:

  1. Avoid wearing makeup, as they can clog your skin pores and increase oiliness; Wash your skin with mild or mild soap twice a day, thus preventing blackheads and pimples from forming; Apply a tonic lotion always after washing and drying the skin. Apply a small amount of oil-free and non-comedogenic moisturizer to the face, preferably one that already contains a sun protection factor.

Treatments with Roacutan, acid creams, acid peels, laser and radiofrequency are also contraindicated in pregnancy and therefore the pregnant woman may consult a dermatologist to find out what she can do to fight the pimples in pregnancy.

In addition, it is important to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, as ultraviolet radiation accelerates the pimple formation process, use sunscreen daily and avoid the consumption of foods that can inflame the skin, such as milk, carbohydrates and fried foods.

Home remedies for acne in pregnancy

In addition to the adoption of some practical day-to-day measures, some home remedies can also be adopted to treat acne during pregnancy, such as:

  • Take 1 glass of carrot juice daily, which is rich in vitamin A, and reduces the appearance of pimples; Wash your face daily with cold burdock tea. See what Burdock is for and how to use it; Apply a homemade mask of rice with honey, as they reduce skin inflammation and maintain good hydration.

These home treatments achieve good results in mild acne, and can be used freely during pregnancy as they do not harm the baby. See other home remedies for pimples.

There are also some natural recipes that can be followed to improve skin health and fight pimples, such as taking 1 glass of natural raspberry juice daily, as this fruit contains zinc, which is a mineral that helps to disinfect the skin, or take orange juice with carrot, for having detoxifying properties. Find out what other foods reduce pimples.

4 Homemade Tips and Solutions to Treat Pregnancy Acne