Home Bulls Ingrown nail: what to do at home

Ingrown nail: what to do at home


The slightly ingrown nail can be treated at home, trying to raise the corner of the nail and inserting a small piece of cotton or gauze, so that the nail stops growing into the inside of the finger and ends up clearing naturally.

However, when the area around the nail becomes very red, swollen and with pus, it can indicate that an infection already exists in the area and, therefore, it is very important that it is evaluated by a health professional, such as a nurse or podiatrist, which may even indicate the application of an antibiotic ointment to relieve symptoms.

How to clear the nail at home

To treat a slightly ingrown and inflamed nail, follow the step-by-step:

  1. Let the foot or hand of the ingrown nail soak in warm or hot water for about 20 minutes; Try to lift the corner of the nail that is stuck with tweezers and place a piece of cotton or gauze between the nail and the skin to keep it elevated, changing daily; Apply an antiseptic solution such as povidone-iodine, for example, to prevent the region from becoming infected.

If the nail is very ingrown, inflamed or with pus and it is not possible to walk normally or try to loosen the nail from the skin, you should seek a nurse, podiatrist or dermatologist to clear the nail. Thus, the procedure can be done correctly and without the risk of aggravation such as the entry of bacteria, for example.

What not to do

In the case of an ingrown nail, the part of the ingrown nail should not be cut, cut the nail in a "v" shape, or put on a tight dressing. These measures only worsen the ingrown nail and increase the risk of the ingrown nail again.

How to treat ingrown hair with pus

The nail ingrown with pus should always be evaluated by a professional, because, in these cases, it is usually necessary to use antibiotic ointments to fight the infection and allow healing to happen.

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to go to the doctor when any of the following situations exists:

  • Having diabetes; The nail is very ingrown, inflamed or with pus; The finger is very swollen or if the circulation does not seem to be happening.

It is also indicated to seek professional help if there are injuries in the affected region or signs of poor blood circulation.

When surgery is indicated

Ingrown nail surgery is indicated in cases where the nails are frequent and the treatment with elevation of the nail or cut does not work, especially if there is spongy meat in the place. In this case, the surgery is done under local anesthesia and, in most cases, it is not necessary to remove the entire nail. Depending on the nail to be treated, the doctor may choose to apply an acid, such as silver nitrate, which destroys part of the nail that was stuck, for example.

How to prevent nails from getting stuck

To prevent ingrown nails, you should cut them straight, but avoid making the nail too short. In addition, it is also important to wear tight shoes and change socks daily, as this prevents the proliferation of microorganisms.

Here are some more tips on how to prevent the nail from getting stuck.

Ingrown nail: what to do at home