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What to do to heal the wound in the womb


For the treatment of wounds in the uterus, it may be necessary to apply gynecological, antiseptic ointments, based on hormones or products that help to heal the lesion, such as policresulene, guided by the gynecologist.

Another option is to do cauterization of the cervix to remove the inflamed cells, which can be laser or using chemicals, which removes the inflamed tissue, allowing the growth of new cells and the recovery of the skin.

These injuries are common in women, and happen due to hormonal changes or infections, and can affect women of all ages. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of this disease.

Remedies for wound in uterus

The treatment for wounds in the uterus should always be guided by a gynecologist and can be done with the application of gynecological ointments, with antiseptic, hormonal or regenerating properties, such as polycresulene, clostebol and neomycin, for example, which help to heal the injury, and should be applied daily, especially at night, before bedtime.

In addition, in cases where the wounds were caused by cervical infections, such as Chlamydia, Candidiasis, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Herpes, for example, the use of antibiotics, prescribed by the gynecologist, is recommended, which can be used in tablets. or ointment.

Cauterization to treat the wound in the uterus

In some cases, the ointment is not sufficient for the wound to heal, requiring a procedure called cauterization, which can be done to remove the inflamed tissue and allow the uterus to heal with healthy skin.

Thus, according to the type of injury and severity, the doctor may indicate the performance of:

  • Cauterization through cryotherapy, which is a burn done with cold and chemicals, to remove the inflamed tissue; Electrocauterization, which is a procedure in which the cells are removed with an electric current, through electricity or laser.

These techniques are often used to treat more severe inflammation of the cervix, such as cervicitis, cysts, lesions caused by the HPV virus, or injuries that are at risk of becoming cervical cancer. Learn more about cauterization.

If the treatment is not completed, the wound may increase, causing infertility, preventing pregnancy, or even causing cancer.

Wound healing takes between 2-3 weeks and, during this time, to facilitate recovery and avoid complications, such as infections, intimate contact should be avoided, in addition to maintaining daily intimate hygiene, using running water and mild soap, drying the area well and wearing cotton underwear. Learn how to do intimate hygiene.

In addition, to prevent the wound in the uterus from getting worse, it is important that all women make an appointment with a gynecologist at least once a year or every 2 years, and whenever symptoms such as discharge appear, so that the gynecological examination and changes or risk of changes in the uterus are detected.

Treatment for wounds in the womb in pregnancy

To treat the wound of the uterus during pregnancy, the same procedures are performed as for a woman who is not pregnant, and in these cases, treatment should be done as soon as possible to prevent the inflammation and infection from causing harm to the baby, such as abortion., premature birth, delayed development and infections.

In addition, when necessary to use medications or ointments, the gynecologist will choose those that cause the least risk to the baby, preferring antiseptic and healing ointments, and using antibiotics and hormones only when necessary.

Natural treatment

The home treatment for wounds in the uterus, should not replace the treatment indicated by the doctor, however it can be a complement, and in some cases, can help to recover more quickly.

In this way, it is possible to prepare and drink tea with guava leaves, as this plant has antibiotic and healing properties that help in uterine recovery. Another good alternative is tea from plantain leaves. Learn about other natural remedies for inflammation in the womb.

What to do to heal the wound in the womb