Home Bulls How to treat a broken collarbone in your baby

How to treat a broken collarbone in your baby


Treatment for fractures of the baby's collarbone is usually done only with immobilization of the affected arm. However, in most cases it is not necessary to use an immobilizing sling, as in adults, it is only advisable to attach the sleeve of the affected side to the baby's clothes with a diaper pin, for example, thus avoiding sudden movements with the arm.

The fracture of the baby's collarbone happens very often during a complicated normal delivery, but it can also happen when the baby is older due to falls or when it is held incorrectly, for example.

Usually, the fractured collarbone heals very quickly, so it can be completely healed in just 2 to 3 weeks, without the baby having any complications. However, in the rarest cases, some sequelae may arise, such as paralysis of the arm or delayed development of the limb.

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How to avoid the sequelae of fracture of the clavicle

Sequelae of fracture of the clavicle are rare and usually only appear when the clavicle breaks and reaches the nerves of the arm that are close to the bone, which can result in paralysis of the arm, loss of sensation, delayed development of the limb or deformation in the arm and hand, for example.

However, these sequelae are not always definitive and can only last as long as the clavicle heals and the nerves heal. In addition, there are some forms of treatment to avoid permanent sequelae, which include:

  • Physiotherapy: it is done by a physiotherapist and uses exercises and massages to allow the development of muscles and amplitude of the arm, improving movement. Exercises can be learned by parents so that they can complete physiotherapy at home, increasing results; Remedies: the doctor can prescribe a muscle relaxant to decrease the pressure of the muscles on the nerves, reducing possible symptoms such as pain or spasms; Surgery: surgery is used when physiotherapy does not show positive results after 3 months and is done with the transfer of a healthy nerve from another muscle in the body to the affected site.

Generally, the improvement of the sequelae appears in the first 6 months of treatment, after which they are more difficult to achieve. However, forms of treatment can be maintained for several years to achieve small improvements in the child's quality of life.

How to care for a baby with a broken collarbone at home

Some important precautions to keep the baby comfortable during recovery and avoid worsening the injury are:

  • Hold the baby with your arms behind your back, avoiding putting your hands under the baby's arms; Lay the baby on its back to sleep; Use a wider clothes with zips to make it easier to dress; Wear the affected arm first and undress the unaffected arm first;

Another very important precaution is to avoid forcing movements with the affected arm after removing the immobilization, leaving the baby to move the arm only what it can.

When to go to the pediatrician

Recovery from fracture in the clavicle usually happens without any problem, however, it is recommended to go to the pediatrician when it appears:

  • Excessive irritation due to pain that does not improve; Fever above 38 ° C; Difficulty breathing.

In addition, the pediatrician can make an appointment for a review after 1 week to do an X-ray and assess the degree of bone recovery, which can increase or decrease the time the arm needs to be immobilized.

How to treat a broken collarbone in your baby