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How to treat it


Treatment for impingem should be done according to the dermatologist's guidance, and the use of creams and ointments capable of eliminating the fungus and thus relieving symptoms is usually recommended.

In addition, it is important to maintain proper body hygiene and avoid sharing towels, for example, as they can favor the growth of the fungus and, consequently, increase the risk of infection.

How to treat

The treatment for impinging on the skin must be indicated by the dermatologist and is usually done with the use of creams and antifungal ointments that should be applied to the lesion site as soon as possible, because although it is not serious, the impingement is contagious, and the fungus being spread to other areas of the body or to other people.

The main antifungals that make up the ointments and creams used for the treatment of impingem are:

  • Clotrimazole; Ketoconazole; Isoconazole; Miconazole; Terbinafine.

Usually, these remedies should be applied directly to the affected regions for 2 weeks, even after the symptoms disappear, to ensure that all the fungus has been eliminated. However, in some cases, the symptoms may not improve just with the use of this type of creams and, therefore, it may be necessary for the doctor to prescribe antifungal tablets of Itraconazole, Fluconazole or Terbinafine, for about 3 months. Learn more about the remedies indicated for skin irritation.

What to do during treatment

During the treatment it is very important to keep the skin clean and dry, to avoid the excessive development of the fungus. In addition, to avoid passing the infection on to other people, it is still recommended not to share towels, clothes or other objects that are in direct contact with the skin, maintain proper body hygiene, dry the skin well after bathing, avoid scratching and messing affected areas, avoid walking barefoot at home and wash your hands after applying the creams on the skin.

In addition, if there are domestic animals at home it is advisable to avoid contact of the animal with the affected skin, as the fungus can also pass to the animal. Thus, it is also important to take the animal to the veterinarian, because if you have the fungus, you can pass it on to the people in the house again.

If you think you may have it, see what are the most common symptoms of this problem.

How to treat it