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How to treat the thin endometrium to get pregnant


To thicken the endometrium it is necessary to undergo treatment with hormonal medications, such as estradiol and progesterone, to stimulate the growth of the endometrium. This type of treatment is indicated for women who have been diagnosed with a thin endometrium, also called an atrophic endometrium, in which this tissue is 0.3 to 6 mm thick, which can make it difficult to conceive naturally, since there are greater difficulties for the embryo is implanted and develops.

These drugs increase the endometrial thickness, allowing the implantation of the embryo in the uterus and, thus, allowing pregnancy. However, many doctors argue that receptivity is as important as the thickness of the endometrium, since many women manage to become pregnant with a 4 mm endometrium and therefore the use of medications is not always necessary.

How to thicken the endometrium

To increase the thickness of the endometrium and thus have a greater chance of becoming pregnant, the doctor may recommend the use of some medicines that help to regulate hormone levels and, consequently, increase the thickness of this tissue. Some of the remedies that can be indicated are:

  • Sildenafil (Viagra). Pentoxifylline (Trental); Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), in low amounts; Estradiol (Climaderm);

In women who do not have other fertility problems, the use of these drugs is very effective to get pregnant and there are cases of women who managed to get pregnant with less than 3 cycles of medication. But when there are other problems related to infertility, this period may be longer or it may be necessary to resort to in vitro fertilization.

Natural ways to increase the endometrium

There is no natural treatment that is capable of increasing the thickness of the endometrium, but it is believed that the consumption of yam tea has this capacity. This is because it is believed that yam tea is able to increase progesterone levels in the blood, favoring not only ovulation but also promoting an increase in the endometrium.

Despite this, the relationship between yam tea and increased fertility and endometrial thickness has not been scientifically proven, therefore it is recommended that a doctor be consulted to encourage endometrial thickening.

How to know the size of my endometrium

The only way to know the size of your endometrium is through ultrasound, but as this tissue changes in size throughout the menstrual cycle it is important to perform this examination in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is where the fertile period is supposed to happen, which is when the endometrium is at its greatest thickness.

To get pregnant it is important that the endometrium after fertilization is at least 7 to 8 mm thick. This size can be seen on a uterine ultrasound exam, requested by the doctor. When this layer is less than 7 mm thick, the doctor may suggest the use of drugs that are able to 'thicken' this layer, such as vasodilators, platelet and hormonal anti-aggregates.

Causes of decreased endometrium

The endometrium changes in thickness naturally during each menstrual cycle, but during the fertile period the woman is expected to have a thickness between 16 and 21 mm, although it is already possible to keep the embryo at just 7 mm. But women who have an even thinner layer, cannot get pregnant because the endometrium is not enough to nourish the embryo, ensuring its growth.

Some causes for this decrease in the endometrium are:

  • Low progesterone concentration; Presence of pelvic inflammatory disease; Use of hormonal contraceptive methods; Injuries to the uterus after curettage or abortion.

Some signs that may indicate endometrial atrophy are irregular menstruation, history of difficulty getting pregnant or abortion.

What is the endometrium used for?

The endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus internally and is responsible for sheltering and nourishing the embryo, which is the result of the meeting between the mature egg and the sperm. This encounter usually takes place in the fallopian tubes and thanks to the presence of tiny cilia present in this region, they travel to the uterus, adhering to the endometrium where it can develop until it is fully formed for birth.

In addition, the endometrium is also important for the formation of the placenta that will carry oxygen and all the necessary nutrients for the baby.

For ovulation to happen, an endometrium of at least 7 mm is necessary, so when the woman does not reach that size, she does not ovulate and consequently it becomes more difficult to get pregnant. Find out more details about the endometrium.

How to treat the thin endometrium to get pregnant