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How to treat oily skin


To treat oily skin, it is important to take care of the skin correctly, using products suitable for oily skin, as the use of unsuitable products can further increase the oiliness and shine of the skin.

Therefore, in order to control excess oil from the skin, it is important to follow these recommendations:

1. How to clean oily skin

Cleansing oily skin should be done at least twice a day, morning and evening, using cleansers suitable for oily skin. These products should preferably contain an acid, such as salicylic acid, which helps to unclog pores and eliminate excess oil and impurities from the skin.

First, the skin should be washed with cold or warm water, never hot, and then the cleansing gel or soap should be applied to the skin.

Check out some great homemade recipes to cleanse, tone and moisturize oily skin.

2. How to tone oily skin

It is important to use a tonic lotion suitable for oily skin, with astringent and alcohol-free products, to help close the pores, reduce inflammation and eliminate all traces of dead cells or makeup that can lead to clogged pores.

3. How to moisturize oily skin

Oily skin should not be hydrated more than once a day and it is very important to use moisturizing products that do not contain oil in their composition and that do not cause clogging of the skin pores.

A good option is to use moisturizing creams for oily skin that already have anti-UVA and UVB filters, as these in addition to moisturizing the skin, help to protect it against the sun's rays and to delay aging. Check out some great products to reduce skin oiliness.

4. How to exfoliate oily skin

Oily skin should be exfoliated once a week to remove dead skin cells and oil and unclog pores, making the skin soft.

The best exfoliating ingredient for oily skin is salicylic acid, as it exfoliates not only the surface of the skin, but also the inside of the pore lining, allowing skin oil to easily flow to the surface and not accumulate, clogging pores. Another benefit of salicylic acid is that it has anti-inflammatory properties, so it reduces irritation, which helps to calm oil production.

As homemade options to thin the oily skin you can use the mixture of lemon, cornmeal and sugar, rubbing with circular movements. See more homemade recipes.

5. How to make up oily skin

Before applying makeup to oily skin, it is important that the skin is clean and toned. In addition, it is essential to use an oil-free base and a face powder to follow, to remove excess shine. However, you should not use too much makeup because the skin can get even more oily.

If even when following all these tips you notice that the skin is still very oily, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to indicate the most appropriate treatment.

Watch the following video and also see how the skin care routine and nutrition can contribute to perfect skin:

How to treat oily skin