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How to use the outdoor gym


In order to use the outdoor gym, some factors must be taken into account, such as:

  • Perform muscle stretching before starting the devices; Perform the movements slowly and progressively; Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each device or follow the directions printed on each of them; Maintain good posture in all exercises; Wear appropriate clothing and tennis; Do not use all the devices on the same day, dividing them into different days depending on the availability of the gym; Do not exercise if you feel any pain, dizziness, in case of fever or feel unwell; Perform the exercises in the morning or in the late afternoon to escape the strong sun.

The presence of the teacher is important at least in the first days so that he gives the necessary instructions on how to use the devices and how many repetitions must be performed during each exercise. Choosing to perform the exercises without proper monitoring can lead to the development of orthopedic injuries, such as rupture of ligaments, strains and tendonitis that can be avoided through the proper use of the equipment.

Benefits of the outdoor gym

The benefits of exercising at the outdoor gym are:

  • Free exercise; Promote physical and emotional well-being; Improve social integration and communication; Strengthen muscles and joints; Decrease the risk of heart and coronary disease; Decrease cholesterol and high blood pressure; Decrease the risk of diabetes; Decrease stress, depression and anxiety andImprove motor coordination and fitness.

Caring for the outdoor gym

When attending an outdoor gym, care should be taken, such as:

  • Only start the exercises after receiving the instructions from the teacher; Wear a hat and sunscreen; Drink plenty of water or homemade isotonic drink type Gatorade, in the interval between exercises to ensure hydration. See how to prepare a fantastic energy drink with honey and lemon to drink during your workout in this video:

Open-air gyms can be found in different parts of the cities and the city must be responsible for placing a physical educator for at least 3 hours a day in each one. They were built especially for seniors, but anyone over 16 years old can use it. Some are located in Curitiba (PR), Pinheiros and São José dos Campos (SP) and in Copacabana and Duque de Caxias (RJ).

How to use the outdoor gym