Home Bulls How to use the asthma inhaler correctly

How to use the asthma inhaler correctly


Asthma inhalers, such as Aerolin, Berotec and Seretide, are indicated for the treatment and control of asthma and should be used according to the pulmonologist's instructions.

There are two types of inhaler pumps: those that have bronchodilators to relieve symptoms, and corticosteroid pumps that serve to treat bronchial inflammation, which is characteristic of asthma. See what are the common symptoms of asthma.

To use the asthma inhaler correctly, you must sit or stand and position your head slightly tilted upwards so that the inhaled powder goes directly into the airways and does not accumulate in the roof of your mouth, throat or tongue.

1. How to use in teenagers and adults

Simple bombinha for adults

The step by step for adults to use the asthma inhaler correctly is:

  1. Release all air from the lungs; Place the inhaler in the mouth, between the teeth and close the lips; Press the inhaler while breathing deeply through the mouth, filling the lungs with air; Remove the inhaler from the mouth and stop breathing for 10 seconds or more; Rinse your mouth without swallowing so that traces of the medicine are not accumulated in your mouth or stomach.

If it is necessary to use the inhaler 2 times in a row, wait about 30 seconds and then repeat the steps starting with the first step.

The amount of powder inhaled is usually not noticeable, because it has no taste or aroma. To check if the dose was used correctly, the dose counter on the device itself must be observed.

Generally, pump treatment is also accompanied by the use of other medications, especially to reduce the chances of having a seizure. See which drugs are most used in the treatment.

2. How to use on the child

Bombinha with children's spacer

Children over 2 years of age, and who use spray pumps, can use spacers, which are devices that can be purchased at pharmacies or over the internet. These spacers are used to ensure that the exact dose of the medication reaches the child's lungs.

To use the asthma inhaler with a spacer, it is recommended:

  1. Place the valve in the spacer; Shake the asthma inhaler vigorously, with the nozzle down, for 6 to 8 times; Fit the inhaler in the spacer; Ask the child to release the air from the lungs; Place the spacer in the mouth, between the teeth of the child and ask to close the lips; fire the inhaler in spray and wait for the child to breathe through the mouth (through the spacer) 6 to 8 times slowly and deeply. Covering the nose can help the child not to breathe through the nose. Remove the mouth spacer; Wash the mouth and teeth and then spit out the water.

If it is necessary to use the pump 2 times in a row, wait about 30 seconds and then repeat the steps starting with step 4.

To keep the spacer clean, wash the interior only with water and let it dry, without wiping with towels or dishcloth, so that there is no residue inside. It is also advisable to avoid using plastic spacers because the plastic attracts the drug's molecules to it, so the drug can stay attached to its walls and not reach the lungs.

3. How to use on the baby

Asthma inhaler with spacer for babies

To use the asthma inhaler for babies and young children, up to 2 years old, you can use the spacers that have the shape of a nebulizer, involving the nose and mouth.

To use the asthma inhaler on babies, you must:

  1. Place the mask in the mouthpiece of the spacer; Shake the inhaler vigorously, with the mouthpiece downwards, for a few seconds; Fit the asthma inhaler into the spacer; Sit down and place the baby on one of your legs; Place the mask on the face of the baby, covering nose and mouth; fire the inhaler in spray 1 time and wait for the baby to inhale for about 5 to 10 times through the mask; remove the mask from the baby's face; clean the baby's mouth with a clean wet diaper with only water; wash the mask and spacer only with water and mild soap, allowing to dry naturally, without towel or dishcloth.

If it is necessary to use the pump again, wait 30 seconds and start again at step 2.

Frequently asked questions about the bombinha

1. Is the asthma inhaler addictive?

The asthma inhaler is not addictive, so it is not addictive. It should be used daily, and in some periods it may be necessary to use it several times a day to achieve relief from asthma symptoms. This happens when asthmatics enter a period when asthma is more 'attacked' and their symptoms become stronger and more frequent and the only way to maintain correct breathing is using the inhaler.

However, if it is necessary to use the asthma inhaler more than 4 times a day, an appointment should be made with the pulmonologist to assess respiratory function. Sometimes it may be necessary to perform tests, other medications to control asthma, or adjust the dose to decrease the use of the inhaler.

2. Is the asthma inhaler bad for the heart?

Some asthma inhalers can cause cardiac arrhythmia immediately after use. However, this is not a dangerous situation and does not decrease the years of life of asthmatics.

The correct use of the asthma inhaler is essential to facilitate the arrival of air in the lungs, and the lack of use and its improper use can cause asphyxiation, this being a serious situation, of medical emergency. See how to act at: First aid for asthma attacks.

3. Can pregnant women use an asthma inhaler?

Yes, the pregnant woman can use the same asthma inhaler she used before becoming pregnant but in addition to being accompanied by the obstetrician it is indicated that she also comes accompanied by the pulmonologist during pregnancy. See more details of treatment in: How to treat asthma in pregnancy.

How to use the asthma inhaler correctly