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How to use epiduo against pimples


To use Epiduo gel in the treatment against pimples and to lighten the skin, wash the areas with water and soap and after drying, apply an amount similar to the size of the nail on your little finger, spreading it over the desired area, with a gentle massage until it is absorbed by the skin. Wait a few minutes and then apply a moisturizer with sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun and prevent it from becoming blemished.

After applying the product you should wash your hands to prevent them from becoming stained, as the gel can lighten the skin. This gel should be applied to the face, neck, back and the necessary regions 2 times a day.

Epiduo contains Adapalene, which is a retinoid that prevents the appearance of acne and Benzoyl peroxide, which fights acne-related bacteria, and also softens and peels the outer part of the skin. Its manufacturer is the Galderma laboratory.

What is it for

Epiduo is indicated for the treatment of blackheads and pimples being very effective in eliminating acne, but it should only be used under the recommendation of the general practitioner or dermatologist.


Epiduo packs can be found in tubes containing 2g, 30g, 45g, 60g or 90g and the price varies between 65 and 168 reais depending on the size of the pack.

Possible side effects

The skin can become irritated and peel, especially if a larger amount of product is used than it should be. If these symptoms appear, it is advisable to decrease the amount and number of times you use the gel daily. Other effects that may arise are dry skin and a burning sensation.

When not to use

Epiduo cannot be used during pregnancy but can be used in breastfeeding as long as the baby has no contact with the areas to be treated. This gel should not be applied to open wounds or eczema and in case of allergy to any of the components of the formula. It should also not be applied to the eyes, mouth and the corners of the nose as it can cause irritation, redness and itching, in case of accidental contact you should wash the area with warm water and soap.

This product should not be used if you are using any other product that contains acids or that peels the skin, and is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age because it has not been tested at these ages.

How to use epiduo against pimples