Home Bulls How to use minoxidil on hair, beard and eyebrow

How to use minoxidil on hair, beard and eyebrow


The minoxidil solution, which is available in concentrations of 2% and 5%, is indicated for the treatment and prevention of androgenic hair loss. Minoxidil is an active substance that stimulates hair growth, since it increases the caliber of blood vessels, improving blood circulation at the site, and prolongs the anagen phase, which is the phase of birth and growth of hair.

In addition, in some situations and if the doctor recommends it, the minoxidil solution can also be used to thicken and fill in gaps in the eyebrows and beard.

Minoxidil is available in several different brands for sale, such as Aloxidil, Rogaine, Pant or Kirkland, for example, or can be handled at the pharmacy. Before using it, you should talk to the doctor, due to contraindications and side effects that may arise. See what contraindications and side effects may occur.

What is Minoxidil for and how to enhance the effects

The minoxidil solution is indicated for the treatment and prevention of androgenic hair loss.

To take full advantage of its effects, it is important that the solution is used as directed by the doctor, the treatment is not interrupted and that the product is applied in the region, followed by a massage, to stimulate the absorption of the product.

How to use

The use of minoxidil should only be used under medical advice. Generally, depending on the region to be treated, minoxidil should be used as follows:

1. Hair

To treat hair loss, the minoxidil solution can be applied to dry scalp, in regions where the hair is weaker, with the help of a massage, twice a day.

Generally, the amount that is applied at a time is about 1 ml and the duration of the treatment can be about 3 to 6 months or as indicated by the general practitioner or dermatologist.

2. Beard

Although the manufacturers of the minoxidil solution do not recommend applying the product in areas other than the scalp, in some cases, the dermatologist may recommend applying the product on the beard.

To fill in beard gaps, minoxidil can be applied in the same way as it is applied to the scalp, but in this case, the product must be applied first on the hands and then on the regions of the beard to be treated.

After applying the product, the person must apply a moisturizing and nourishing product, such as coconut oil or sweet almonds, for example, to prevent dryness and reduce the smell of the medicine, since it has a large amount of alcohol, which it dries the skin.

3. Eyebrow

The manufacturers of the minoxidil solution are not authorized to recommend the use of the product in areas other than the scalp, however, in some cases, the dermatologist may recommend the application of the product on the eyebrows, safely.

Minoxidil can also be used to thicken the eyebrows by applying the solution with the help of a cotton swab. After applying the product, an oil can also be applied on the eyebrow, so that it does not get dry. Learn how to make the eyebrow grow and thicken.

In all situations, after the application of minoxidil, one should use a product that prevents dry skin, it is advisable to wash your hands well after application, be careful with the eye area and avoid using more than 2 mL of the solution per day.

How does minoxidil work?

The mechanism of action of minoxidil remains unclear. Initially, this substance was used to lower blood pressure in hypertensive people, since minoxidil has a vasodilating action. Only later was it discovered that one of the side effects in these people was hair growth.

Thus, minoxidil started to be used as a solution in the scalp, due to its vasodilating action, which improves blood circulation, promoting the absorption of nutrients in the hair bulb. It is also known that this substance prolongs the anagen phase, which is the phase of the capillary cycle in which hair growth and birth occurs.

How to use minoxidil on hair, beard and eyebrow