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10 Causes of Baby's Crying


The causes of the baby's crying are diverse, such as hunger, dirty diapers or fear, for example, and knowing how to identify why the baby is crying is important to be able to calm the baby. In most cases, crying is the main way that the baby has to alert the parents of any discomfort, and some possible causes of the baby's crying include:

  1. Dirty diaper; Hunger or thirst; Cold or heat; Pain; Fear; Colic due to intestinal gases; Sleep or tiredness, which usually occurs before sleeping; Teeth birth; Being sick, like the flu; Needs attention and does not like to stay alone.

Know the sound of the baby's cry in: Language of babies.

Crying in the late afternoon

The late afternoon crying is normal and accompanies the child for a long time, and passes as suddenly as it starts, until it learns to express itself in another way, especially during the first 6 to 8 months of age.

It is common for babies to cry for no apparent reason to their parents, especially in the late afternoon or evening, and in most cases this happens to release the tension that has accumulated during the day, so if all the baby's needs are satisfied, as a clean diaper and having already eaten for example, parents must be patient and respect their child's need to express themselves.

How to make the baby stop crying

The best way to stop the baby from crying is to identify the cause of the baby's crying and solve this problem, checking if the diaper is clean, if it is time for the baby to breastfeed and if the baby is dressed appropriately for the season, for example.

However, if parents or caregivers are unable to identify the cause of the baby's crying, they can hold the baby on their lap, sing a lullaby or else put the baby in the stroller and keep the baby cradled for a few minutes, as this type of movement helps the baby to calm down.

In addition, you can:

  • Turn on calm music, like classical music for babies. Wrap the baby in a blanket or sheet so that he cannot move his legs and arms because it helps the baby to calm down. This technique must be done very carefully to avoid trapping the baby's blood circulation. Turn on the radio or TV outside the station or turn on the vacuum cleaner, extractor fan, or washing machine because this type of continuous noise soothes babies. See more tips at: 6 ways to make your baby stop crying.

However, if the baby still doesn't stop crying, it is important to take him to the pediatrician because he may be sick and need treatment.

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10 Causes of Baby's Crying