Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for heart attack

Home remedy for heart attack


A good home remedy for a feeling of fullness, such as poor digestion and gases, is to drink tea of ​​thistle-saint because this medicinal plant has properties that help digestion and fight gases.


  • 15 g of thistle 500 ml of water

Method of preparation

Put the ingredients in a pan and boil for 5 minutes. Let cool properly covered and when it is warm, filter and drink slowly.

Usually, the feeling of fullness occurs after a very "heavy" meal or due to a bad combination of foods, such as fatty foods and fibrous foods in the same meal, so it is important to know how to combine the foods well.

A good tip to avoid bad digestion is to eat a small amount of food, always every 3 hours, to avoid that glycemic changes lead to a feeling of hunger, which causes the individual to eat many foods at once.

Useful links:

  • Tea for poor digestion

Home remedy for heart attack