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High cholesterol: causes and complications


The increase in cholesterol can happen due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, physical inactivity and a diet rich in fats and sugar, in addition to being related to family and genetic factors, in which even with good eating habits and regular physical activity, there is an increase cholesterol, which is known as familial hypercholesterolemia.

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is important for the proper functioning of the body and consists of fractions, which are LDL, HDL and VLDL. HDL is the cholesterol popularly known as good cholesterol, since it is responsible for the removal of fat molecules, being considered a cardiac protection factor, while LDL is known as bad cholesterol, because it can be deposited easily in blood vessels, despite also be essential for the formation of some hormones.

High cholesterol only represents a health risk when LDL is very high, especially, or when HDL is very low, as this is more likely to lead to heart disease. Learn all about cholesterol.

Main causes of high cholesterol

The increase in cholesterol has no symptoms, being noticed through laboratory tests, in which the entire lipid profile is verified, that is, HDL, LDL, VLDL and total cholesterol. The main causes of increased cholesterol are:

  • Family history; Food rich in fats and sugar; Excessive alcohol consumption; Cirrhosis; Decompensated diabetes; Thyroid disorders such as hypo or hyperthyroidism; Renal failure; Porphyria; Use of anabolic steroids.

As the increase in cholesterol can also be due to genetic factors, it is important that people who have a family history of high cholesterol have more care and greater attention with regard to food and physical activity, because the risk of developing diseases cardiovascular diseases due to high cholesterol is higher.

Consequences of high cholesterol

The main consequence of high cholesterol is the considerable increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease, since due to the increase in LDL there is a greater deposition of fat in the blood vessels, which results in altered blood flow and, consequently, heart activity.

Thus, the increase in cholesterol increases the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, heart failure and high blood pressure. This increase has no symptoms, being diagnosed only through the lipidogram, which is the blood test in which there is an evaluation of all cholesterol fractions. Understand what the lipidogram is and how to understand the result.

How is the treatment

Treatment aims to regulate HDL and LDL levels, so that the total cholesterol value returns to normal. For this, it is necessary to make changes in the diet, to practice physical activity regularly and, in some cases, the cardiologist may recommend the use of medications to help lower cholesterol, such as Simvastatin and Atorvastatin, for example. Learn about other cholesterol-lowering drugs.

In the cholesterol-lowering diet, preference should be given to the consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, as they are foods rich in fiber, which help to reduce the absorption of fat in the intestine. In addition, the consumption of red meats, bacon, sausage, butter, margarine, fried foods, sweets and alcoholic drinks should be avoided. Check out the following video for some tips to lower cholesterol through food:

High cholesterol: causes and complications