Home Bulls 6 Types of martial arts indicated for self-defense

6 Types of martial arts indicated for self-defense


Muay Thai, Krav Maga and Kickboxing are some fights that can be practiced, that strengthen the muscles and that improve endurance and physical strength. These martial arts work hard on the legs, buttocks and abdomen and are therefore ideal for self-defense.

Martial arts or fights are both beneficial for the body, as well as for the mind, as they also stimulate concentration and increase confidence and self-esteem, since they can be used for self-defense in any dangerous situation. So, if you are thinking about starting a fight or martial art, here are some examples of the most popular fights and their benefits:

1. Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a martial art of Thai origin, considered by many to be violent, as it involves all parts of the body and almost everything is allowed. As this martial art focuses on perfecting punches, kicks, shins, knees and elbows, it provides great toning and muscle development and increased flexibility and strength throughout the body, and even helps you lose weight because the workouts are intense and demanding for the body.

In addition, due to the physical effort required, Muay Thai training involves great physical preparation, including fitness exercises such as running, push-ups and sit-ups and stretching to increase elasticity.

2. MMA

The name MMA comes from the English Mixed Martial Arts which means Mixed Martial Arts, popularly it is also known as 'anything goes'. In this fight it is allowed to use the feet, knees, elbows and fists but body contact on the ground with immobilization techniques of the opponent is also allowed.

In MMA fights it is possible to strengthen the muscles and shape the whole body, however this type of fight is more commonly practiced by men.

3. Kickboxing

Kickboxing is a type of fight that mixes techniques from some martial arts with boxing, involving all parts of the body. In this fight you learn punches, shin kicks, knees, elbows, which provides a comprehensive view of the art of fighting.

This is a fighting method that also requires a lot of physical effort, spending an average of 600 calories in an hour of training. This activity provides fat loss, defines muscles and improves stamina and physical strength.

4. Krav Maga

Krav Maga is a technique that originated in Israel, and its main focus is to use your own body for defense in any situation of danger. In this art the whole body is used, and self-defense techniques are developed that allow preventing attacks in simple ways, using the attacker's own weight and strength in an intelligent way.

This is a technique that develops physical preparation, as well as speed and balance, as the movements used are short, simple and fast. In addition, it stimulates concentration, as attacks always simulate danger and surprise, and can be prevented in different ways.

5. Taekwondo

Taekwondo is a martial art of Korean origin, which mostly uses the legs, giving the body a lot of agility and strength.

Those who practice this martial art develop a lot of legs and strength, as it consists of a fight that focuses on the application of blows or kicks above the waist and on the opponent's head, in order to score points. On average, those who practice this martial art expend 560 calories in an hour of training.

In addition to physical condition, this martial art also develops balance and the ability to concentrate, as well as elasticity, as during training stretches are decisive for a good performance.

6. Jiu-Jitsu

Jiu-Jitsu is a Japanese martial art, which uses lever-shaped strokes, pressures and twists to take down the opponent, its main objective being to take down and dominate the opponent.

This technique increases preparation and physical strength, develops physical endurance and stimulates concentration and balance. On average, this martial art provides a caloric expenditure of 560 calories, because during training, combats are often simulated.

6 Types of martial arts indicated for self-defense