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Know the risks of dengue in pregnancy


Dengue in pregnancy is dangerous because blood clotting is reduced and this can cause the placenta to come off and cause an abortion or premature birth. However, if the pregnant woman is well guided by a doctor and follows the treatment correctly, there will be no risks for her or the baby.

However, the risks of dengue in pregnancy include:

  • Increased risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy; Hemorrhage; Eclampsia, Pre-eclampsia; Liver impairment; Kidney failure.

These riches are greater when the pregnant woman is infected at the beginning or at the end of the pregnancy, however, if the treatment is followed correctly, dengue in pregnancy does not cause great risks in the pregnant or baby. But if dengue is suspected, medical help should be sought to make sure it is not Zika, because Zika is more serious and can cause microcephaly in the baby, although this does not happen with dengue.

The pregnant woman is more likely to develop severe dengue than women who are not pregnant and therefore whenever she has fever and body pain she should go to the doctor and perform tests to check if it is dengue. If there are symptoms of severe dengue such as severe abdominal pain and spots on the body, you should go to the emergency room, and hospitalization may be necessary.

To avoid dengue in pregnancy you should avoid being bitten by the mosquito, wearing long clothes and consuming more vitamin B. Check out other ways to prevent dengue.

Dengue in pregnancy can harm the baby

In general, dengue does not harm the baby's development, but if the mother has dengue at the end of the pregnancy, the baby may be infected and present with fever, reddish plaques and tremors in the first days, needing to be admitted to the hospital to receive treatment.

Thus, the prevention of dengue is very important, especially in pregnant women, and, therefore, the use of picaridin-based repellents, such as exposis gel, can be used to prevent the development of a new dengue condition in pregnancy. Here's how to make a good homemade citronella repellent for dengue.

How is the treatment of dengue in pregnancy

The treatment of dengue in pregnancy is usually done at the hospital and, therefore, the pregnant woman has to be hospitalized to undergo tests, stay at rest, receive serum through the vein, as well as take analgesic and antipyretic drugs such as dipyrone to control the disease and decrease possible risks such as abortion or bleeding.

However, in mild cases of dengue in pregnancy, treatment can be done at home with rest, use of dipyrone and increased water intake to keep the pregnant woman hydrated.

In cases of hemorrhagic dengue in pregnancy, treatment is always done in the hospital, with hospitalization, and it may be necessary for the pregnant woman to receive blood transfusions, although this is not a usual situation.

Know the risks of dengue in pregnancy