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How to identify mercury poisoning


Contamination by mercury is quite serious, especially when this heavy metal is found in high concentrations in the body. Mercury can accumulate in the body and affect several organs, mainly kidneys, liver, digestive system and nervous system, interfering with the functioning of the organism and requiring medical monitoring for life.

Mercury poisoning is silent and can take months or years to manifest itself through signs such as:

  • Weakness, frequent tiredness; Loss of appetite and consequent weight loss; Ulcer in the stomach or duodenum; Alteration of the functioning of the kidneys; Weak and brittle teeth, with a tendency to fall; Irritation and swelling in the skin when there is direct contact with mercury.

When large amounts of mercury accumulate in the nervous system, neurotoxicity is characterized, which can be perceived through some signs and symptoms, the main ones being:

  • Sudden and frequent changes in mood; Nervousness, anxiety and irritability; Sleep disorders such as frequent insomnia and nightmares; Memory problems; Headache and migraine; Dizziness and labyrinthitis; Delusions and hallucinations.

All of these changes can happen when there is exposure to high concentrations of mercury, greater than 20 micrograms per cubic meter, which can be achieved over time during work or through food.

Methylmercury is the form of mercury that can most easily lead to intoxication in people, since it is synthesized by bacteria present in the aquatic environment, being accumulated in animals present in water, especially fish. Thus, contamination occurs through the ingestion of fish contaminated by mercury. Contamination with methylmercury is especially serious during pregnancy because this metal can affect the baby's brain development and other permanent changes, even if the contamination is treated.

Mercury contamination in rivers

How contamination can happen

Contamination by mercury or methylmercury can happen in three main ways:

  1. Professional activity, with a greater risk of contamination in people working in mining industries, gold mining or chlor-sora factories, in the manufacture of fluorescent lamps, thermometers, dyes and batteries, since it is easier to be exposed to mercury. Contamination by mercury due to professional activity usually occurs through inhalation, with the accumulation of this metal in the lungs and leading to respiratory problems; Through dental treatments, although it is not very common and rarely leads to serious health problems, there is a risk of mercury contamination. This type of contamination directly affects the blood, causing damage to the digestive system and permanent neurological damage; Through the environment, through the consumption of contaminated water or fish. This type of contamination is more frequent in riverside populations, as occurs in the Amazon, gold mining sites and places of great use of mercury, but it can also affect anyone who consumes water or food contaminated with this metal, in case of environmental accidents.

Fish containing mercury

Some freshwater and saltwater fish are natural sources of mercury, but these have small amounts that are generally not harmful to health. Fish that have a lower risk of contamination by this metal are:

  • Tambaqui, jatuarana, pirapitinga and pacu, which feed on seeds and fruits, which may contain mercury; Bodo, jaraqui, curimatã and branquinha, because they feed on the mud present at the bottom of rivers and microorganisms responsible for the synthesis of methylmercury; Arowana, pirarara, yam, mandi, matrinchã and cuiu-cuiu, which feed on insects and plankton. Dourada, cub, piranha, peacock bass, surubim, fished and painted, because they feed on other smaller fish, accumulating larger amounts of mercury.

However, in case of environmental accidents, when there is contamination with mercury in a certain region, all fish from the affected areas should not be consumed because they may contain high doses of mercury in their meat, which can cause poisoning in humans.

What to do if you suspect you are infected

In case of suspected contamination, a medical appointment should be made and informed of your suspicion, and the doctor should order tests to check the amount of mercury in the blood.

The contamination can be confirmed by a blood test that measures the amount of Mercury in the blood or by measuring the amount in the hair. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the maximum concentration of mercury in the hair must be less than 7 µg / g. Other tests may also be needed to measure the health consequences of mercury, such as MRI, electroencephalogram, hormonal tests and specific tests for each organ, depending on the tissues affected.

Treatment for mercury contamination

Treatment can be done through the use of chelating drugs that facilitate the elimination of mercury, which must be indicated by the doctor. In addition, it may be necessary to take medication to combat anxiety and depression, if they arise as a result of contamination, and supplementation of vitamin C, E and selenium. The accompaniment of a psychologist or psychiatrist can be an important help to complement the treatment, improving the individual's quality of life. See how you can avoid mercury contamination.

Learn more about treatment for mercury poisoning.

How to identify mercury poisoning