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Cauliflower Benefits


Cauliflower is a vegetable from the same family as broccoli, and is a great option to use in weight loss diets, as it contains few calories and is rich in fiber, which helps to keep in shape and give more satiety.

In addition, because it has a neutral flavor, it can be used in various recipes such as salads, sauces, base for fit pizzas and as a substitute for rice in low carb diets.

The main health benefits of cauliflower are:

  1. Help to lose weight, because it is rich in fiber and has few calories, helping to give satiety without increasing the calories of the diet; Improve intestinal transit, due to its fiber content; Prevent cancer, as it is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and sulforan, which protect cells; Maintain muscle health, as it contains a high potassium content; Improve the skin and strengthen the immune system, due to its high content of anti-oxidants; Help in the treatment of gastritis, for containing sulforaphane, a substance that reduces the growth of the bacteria H. pylori; Maintaining the health of bones, for containing vitamin K and potassium.

To choose a good fresh cauliflower, one should look for one that is firm, without yellow or brown spots, and that has green leaves attached firmly to the stem. See also 7 good reasons to eat broccoli.

Nutritional information

The following table provides nutritional information for 100 g of raw and cooked cauliflower.

Raw cauliflower Cooked cauliflower
Energy 23 kcal 19 kcal
Carbohydrate 4.5 g 3.9 g
Protein 1.9 g 1.2 g
Fat 0.2 g 0.3 g
Fibers 2.4 g 2.1 g
Potassium 256 mg 80 mg
Vitamin C 36.1 mg 23.7 mg
Zinc 0.3 mg 0.3 mg
Folic acid 66 mg 44 mg

Steaming cauliflower or microwave instead of boiling it helps to preserve its vitamins and minerals. To help preserve its white color, add 1 tablespoon of milk or lemon juice to the water, and do not cook cauliflower in aluminum or iron pots.

Cauliflower Pizza Recipe


  • 1 steamed cauliflower1 egg1 cup of mozzarella3 tablespoons of tomato sauce200 g of mozzarella cheese2 sliced ​​tomatoes½ sliced ​​onion½ red pepper in strips50 g olivesSalt, pepper, basil leaves and oregano to taste

Method of preparation:

Cook and, after cooling, grind the cauliflower in a processor. Place in a bowl, add the egg, half the cheese, salt and pepper, mixing well. Grease the pan with butter and flour, and shape the cauliflower dough into a pizza shape. Place in a preheated oven at 220 ° C for about 10 minutes or until the edges start to brown. Remove from the oven, add the tomato sauce, the rest of the cheese, tomatoes, onions, peppers and olives, placing oregano, basil leaves and olive oil on top. Bake again for another 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. This pizza can be filled with the ingredients of your choice.

Cauliflower Rice Recipe


  • ½ cauliflower ½ cup of grated onion1 crushed garlic clove1 tablespoon chopped parsleySalt and pepper to taste

Method of preparation:

Wash and dry the cauliflower in cold water. Then, grate the cauliflower in a thick drain or beat in a processor using the pulse function until it is a consistency similar to that of rice. In a skillet, sauté the onion and garlic, add the cauliflower and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and parsley.

Recipe for cauliflower au gratin

This recipe is good for fighting cancer because it has two substances that help to prevent and fight cancer which are sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol.

Sulforaphane helps in the production of enzymes that eliminate toxins from the body, while the substance indole-3-carbinol reduces the level of estrogens in the body, which when increased, can lead to the appearance of tumors.


  • 1 cauliflower1 cup and a half of milk1 tablespoon of olive oil1 tablespoon of wheat flour4 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs Salt

Method of preparation:

Wash the cauliflower after removing the leaves. Place the whole cabbage in a pan, cover with hot water seasoned with salt and bring to the fire to cook. After cooking, remove from water, drain and arrange in a deep pyrex oiled.

Dissolve the wheat flour in the milk, season with salt and cook. Stir until thick, add a spoon of oil and cheese, mix well and remove. Spread the cream over the cauliflower, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and take to the oven to blush.

See also the recipe for a carrot and cauliflower juice to maintain hormonal balance.

Cauliflower Benefits