Home Symptoms Dengue, zika, chikungunya, mayaro or virus?

Dengue, zika, chikungunya, mayaro or virus?


Dengue is an infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti that leads to the appearance of some signs and symptoms, which can last between 2 and 7 days, such as body pain, headache and tiredness, whose intensity can vary from person to person. In addition, it is possible to check for dengue the presence of red spots on the skin, fever, joint pain, itching and, in the most severe cases, bleeding.

The symptoms of dengue, however, are similar to those of other diseases, such as Zika, Chikungunya and Mayaro, which are also diseases caused by viruses transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, in addition to also being similar to the symptoms of virus, measles and hepatitis. Therefore, in the presence of symptoms suggestive of dengue it is important that the person goes to the hospital for tests to be done and to check if it really is dengue or another disease, and the most appropriate treatment is started.

Know how to recognize dengue symptoms.

Some of the diseases whose symptoms may be similar to dengue are:

1. Zika or Dengue?

Zika is also a disease that can be transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which in this case transmits the Zika virus to the person. In the case of Zika, in addition to dengue symptoms, redness in the eyes and pain around the eyes can also be seen.

The symptoms of Zika are milder than those of dengue and last less than 5 days, however infection with this virus is associated with serious complications, especially when it occurs during pregnancy, which can cause microcephaly, neurological changes and Guillain-Barre syndrome, in which the nervous system starts to attack the body itself, mainly the nerve cells.

2. Chikungunya or Dengue?

Like dengue and Zika, Chikungunya is also caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti infected by the virus that causes the disease. However, unlike these two other diseases, the symptoms of Chikungunya are more prolonged, and may last for about 15 days, and loss of appetite and malaise can also be seen, in addition to also causing neurological changes and Guillain- Barre.

It is also common for Chikungunya joint symptoms to last for months, and physiotherapy is recommended to relieve symptoms and improve joint movement. Learn how to identify Chikungunya.

3. Mayaro or Dengue?

Mayaro virus infection is difficult to identify due to the similarity of symptoms with those of dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. The symptoms of this infection can also last for about 15 days and, unlike dengue, there are no red spots on the skin, but swelling of the joints. So far the complication related to infection with this virus has been inflammation in the brain, called encephalitis. Understand what Mayaro infection is and how to recognize symptoms.

4. Virosis or Dengue?

Virosis can be defined as any and all diseases caused by viruses, however, unlike dengue, its symptoms are milder and the infection can be easily combated by the body. The main signs and symptoms of viral infection are low fever, loss of appetite and body aches, which can make a person more tired.

When it comes to virosis, it is common to observe several other people, especially those who tend to frequent the same environment, with the same signs and symptoms.

5. Yellow Fever or Dengue?

Yellow fever is an infectious disease caused by the bite of both Aedes aegypti and the bite of the Haemagogus sabethes mosquito and which can lead to the appearance of symptoms similar to dengue, such as headache, fever and muscle pain.

However, the initial symptoms of yellow fever and dengue are different: while in the early stage of yellow fever vomiting and back pain are observed, dengue fever is widespread. In addition, in yellow fever the person starts to have jaundice, which is when the skin and eyes become yellow.

6. Measles or Dengue?

Both dengue and measles present as a symptom the presence of spots on the skin, however the spots in the case of measles are larger and do not itch. In addition, as measles progresses, other characteristic symptoms appear, such as sore throat, dry cough and white spots inside the mouth, as well as fever, muscle pain and excessive tiredness.

7. Hepatitis or Dengue?

The initial symptoms of hepatitis can also be confused with dengue, however it is also common that in hepatitis, symptoms indicative of liver involvement are soon noticed, which does not happen in dengue, with a change in the color of urine, skin and feces. See how to identify the main symptoms of hepatitis.

What to tell the doctor to help with diagnosis

When the person has symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, drowsiness and tiredness, they should go to the doctor to find out what is happening. In the clinical consultation it is important to give details such as:

  • Symptoms presented, highlighting their intensity, frequency and order of appearance; Where do you live and last places frequented because in times of dengue epidemic you should check if you were close to the places with the most registered cases of the disease; Similar cases in the family and / or neighbors; When the symptoms arose because if the symptoms arose after a meal, this may indicate an intestinal infection, for example.

Talking if you have had these symptoms before and if you took any medication can also help in the diagnosis of which disease it is, facilitating the ordering of tests and the most appropriate treatment for each case.

Dengue, zika, chikungunya, mayaro or virus?