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How to unfurl the baby in 3 days


A good way to unfurl the baby is to use the "3 Day Potty Training" technique, which was created by Lora Jensen and which promises to help parents remove the baby's diaper in just 3 days.

It is a strategy with firm and objective rules that must be followed for three days so that the child can learn to pee and poop in the bathroom without trauma, facilitating the removal of the diaper.

To remove the baby's diaper in 3 days, the baby must be over 22 months old, not breastfeed at night, walk well alone and know how to communicate so that the mother can see that he needs to go to the bathroom.

Rules for removing the diaper in 3 days

In addition to some requirements regarding the baby's capabilities to ensure the success of this technique, it is also important to follow some essential rules, which include:

  • Only 1 person, preferably the mother or father, should apply the technique and be responsible for the baby for the 3 days in a row; on these days it is recommended that the mother or father always stay at home with the baby, avoiding leaving and leaving ready meals to have as few tasks as possible. Doing this using the weekend can be a good solution; if you have already tried another technique to unfurl the baby, you should wait at least 1 month to do this new technique, so that the baby begins to learn it without resisting and without associating it negatively with the last attempts; having a potty at home, which should be in the bathroom, near the toilet or a ladder with a reducer for the child to climb into the toilet; having reserved stickers or something that the child likes to give as a prize whenever he can go to the bathroom and pee or poop in the toilet.

It is also advisable to have about 20 to 30 panties or underwear at home to change every time the baby pees or poops in the "wrong place".

Step by step to take the diaper in 3 days

The step-by-step of this technique should be divided into 3 days:

Day 1

  1. After waking the baby up at the same time he usually gets up and having breakfast, take the diaper off and wear only a shirt and underwear or panties; the mother and baby should throw the diaper that the baby together in the trash is using and all the others that are left even if they are clean so that the baby understands what is happening. From this moment on, no more diapers should be placed on the baby during the 3 days, even to sleep; Play normally with the baby, always being by his side and giving water, teas or fruit juice during the day so that he feels willingness to go to the bathroom; be on the lookout for any signs that the baby is in the mood to go to the bathroom; meals should be eaten with the baby and be prepared, preferably, so as not to "spend" time cooking; during the day, remind the baby that, if he wants to pee or poop, he should notify his mother or father to go to the bathroom, avoiding asking if he wants to go to the bathroom or if he wants to pee or poop; every time the baby pees or poop on the potty or toilet, praise him and give him a prize like an adhesive sticker or something he likes very much; take the baby to the bathroom immediately when he sees that he is peeing and every time he can do the rest pee on the potty or toilet bowl, the r a prize; in cases where the baby pee or poop in his underwear or panties, talk calmly to him, explain that he should pee or poop in the bathroom and exchange his underwear or panties for a new one, in a tone of information and not scolding; Before the afternoon nap and at night, before sleeping, take the child in the bathroom to pee or poop, not waiting more than 5 minutes on the potty; Wake the baby only once during the night to go in the bathroom, not waiting more than 5 minutes even if he doesn't pee or poop on the potty or toilet.

It is normal for the child to have several "accidents" during the first day, peeing or pooping out of place. Thus, it is very important to be very aware of what the baby is doing for, as soon as you realize that you are in need, take yourself immediately to the bathroom.

Day 2

On this day you should follow exactly the same rules as on day 1, but it is possible to join the technique developed by Julie Fellom, which allows you to leave the house for 1 hour in the afternoon. To do this, wait for the child to go to the bathroom and then leave the house immediately for 1 hour. This stimulus allows you to train the baby to pee before leaving the house, without having to use the toilet on the street or without having to use a diaper to leave the house.

During this day, one should give preference to strolling close to home, without using the car, as well as taking a portable potty, in case the child asks to use the bathroom.

Day 3

This day is very similar to the second, but on this day one can take the child out in the morning and in the afternoon, always waiting for the moment when he uses the bathroom, and then immediately leave the house.

What to do if the technique doesn't work

Although the results of this technique are quite positive for successfully unfurling the baby, it is possible that not all children will be able to drop the diaper as quickly as expected.

If this happens, you should wait between 4 to 6 weeks and try again, always maintaining a feeling of positivism so that the baby does not feel punished.

When to take the diaper off the baby

Some signs that may indicate that the baby is ready to leave the diaper include:

  • The baby says he has poop or pee in the diaper; The baby warns when he is pooping or peeing in the diaper; The baby sometimes says he wants to poop or pee; The baby wants to know what parents or siblings are going to do in the bathroom;

Another important sign happens when the baby is able to keep the diaper dry for a few hours straight.

How to unfurl the baby in 3 days