Home Symptoms Weight loss diet 1 kg per week

Weight loss diet 1 kg per week


To lose 1 kg a week in health, you should eat everything we suggest in this menu, even if you don't feel hungry. In addition, in order to lose weight fast and lose a healthy belly, it is also important to walk or dance for at least 30 minutes every day during this week.

This diet can be repeated every 3 months to cleanse the body and keep the skin beautiful. This is a good dietary model to follow after periods of holidays, when you normally eat more sweet or fatty foods.

Weight loss menu 1 kg per week

This diet to lose 1 kg for 1 week should be followed only by women and last at least 7 days to reduce 1 kg without damage to health, and can be done again after 3 months.

  • Breakfast - Cabbage and orange juice or detox juice and 1 slice of whole grain bread with 20 g of Minas cheese. Collation - 1 skimmed yogurt Lunch - 200 g of cooked vegetables such as 100 g of broccoli and 100 g of carrots accompanied by 150 g of fish or roasted or grilled chicken breast. Snack 1 - Unsweetened tea or coffee and 2 slices of bread with fresh cheese Snack 2 - Horsetail tea or diuretic juice. Dinner - 1 plate (of dessert) of raw salad (250 g) accompanied with 20 g of white cheese or tofu or yam soup to detox supper - 1 cup of St. John's wort without sugar.

When you are on a low-calorie diet and want to lose your belly fast, you are likely to experience some weakness, headache, or dizziness because of dietary restrictions. To avoid these unpleasant sensations, during this diet physical activity should be done with low intensity, according to the individual's physical disposition, always guaranteeing good hydration, and trying to sleep well, preferably 8 hours a night.

To continue losing weight in a healthy way also read:

Weight loss diet 1 kg per week