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Esophagitis diet (and other treatment options)


Esophagitis is curable when identified and treated correctly, which should be done with changes in the diet to include foods that decrease stomach acidity, in addition to pharmacy remedies indicated by the doctor. Treatment may also include the use of some home remedies, which help to relieve discomfort and speed up treatment.

Anyway, treatment must always be done according to the recommendation of a gastroenterologist, who needs to identify the cause of esophagitis to adapt the treatment and cure the problem once and for all.

Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus, which is the organ that connects the mouth to the stomach, and which causes a lot of discomfort due to its symptoms, which are usually bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn and sore throat. Know the symptoms of esophagitis and main types.

How should the diet be

One of the main ways to cure esophagitis is through proper nutrition that should be recommended by a nutritionist. The most important thing is to avoid the consumption of some foods that increase stomach acidity, such as:

  • Carbonated drinks and alcoholic drinks; Pepper, sauces, salt, sugar and garlic; Fatty meats and fried foods; Coffee; Candies, gum and industrialized sweets.

In addition, it is recommended to invest in raw, cooked or roasted food simply and without sauces. Eating 3 to 4 servings of fruits that are not acidic, such as bananas and papaya, can also help with treatment.

Drinking plenty of water and practicing some type of physical activity regularly are also recommended. In the case of esophagitis caused by hiatus hernia, it may be indicated to lose weight if necessary, and to have a low fat diet. Understand what hiatal hernia is.

What remedies can be indicated

Just as changes in diet are very important for treatment, the use of some medications may also be recommended by the doctor, especially to reduce discomfort as the esophagus recovers.

Some of the most used remedies include antacids, such as aluminum hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide, inhibitors of acid production, such as omeprazole or cimetidine, or oral corticosteroids, for example.

In addition, antifungal or antiviral drugs may also be prescribed if it is identified that esophagitis is being caused by a fungal or virus infection, which needs more specific treatment.

What homemade options to use

A great home treatment to combat esophagitis symptoms is to drink the pure juice of a raw potato. To get this juice, just pass the raw potato in the food processor or grate the potato and then squeeze it until all the juice is removed. This juice should be taken daily on an empty stomach, until the symptoms of esophagitis disappear, but it should not replace the treatment indicated by the doctor, serving only as a supplement. Discover other options for home treatments for esophagitis.

When surgery is necessary

Surgery is rarely used and is usually indicated for the most severe cases of esophagitis, when the person has other conditions, such as Barrett's esophagus or hiatus hernia, for example. The main objective of surgery is to keep the gastric contents inside the stomach, preventing the food from rising through the stomach. See what Barrett's esophagus is and how it is treated.

Esophagitis diet (and other treatment options)