Home Symptoms Hepatitis diet (with menu option)

Hepatitis diet (with menu option)


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that generates symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss, since it is an organ that directly influences nutritional status.

This condition can interfere with the digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as their storage and metabolism, which can result in vitamin and mineral deficiency and protein-calorie malnutrition.

For this reason, the diet must be easy to digest, low in fat and prepared in a simple way and without the use of condiments, and should be preferably cooked on the grill. In addition, it is important to drink plenty of water to help cleanse the liver, unless it is contraindicated by the doctor.

Allowed foods

It is important that during hepatitis the diet is balanced, and food should be consumed in small portions several times a day, thus avoiding weight loss due to lack of appetite. In addition, food that is easy to digest and prepared in a simple way must be eaten, and aromatic herbs can be used to flavor the food. Some aromatic herbs are rich in antioxidants and favor the recovery of the liver, such as sage, oregano, coriander, parsley, mint, cloves, thyme and cinnamon.

Foods that can be included in the diet are fruits, vegetables, rice, pasta, white bread, cereals, gelatin, coffee, French bread or banquettes, rice milk and tubers. In the case of proteins, consumption should be controlled and preference should be given to white and skinless meats, such as chicken, turkey or low-fat fish. In the case of dairy products, preference should be given to white, low-fat cheeses, plain yogurt and skimmed milk.

Some foods that can be included in the daily diet and that favor the recovery of the liver due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, purifying and hepatoprotective properties are acerola, garlic, onion, artichoke, thistle, alfalfa, watercress, cherry, plum, turmeric, dandelion, raspberries, lemon, apple, melon, grapes and tomatoes.

It is important that the person knows what his tolerance to a certain type of food is, as the consumption of fatty or difficult to digest foods in high quantities can cause diarrhea and malaise. In case of diarrhea, it is recommended to consume cooked food, avoiding the ingestion of raw fruits and vegetables.

Hepatitis menu option

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu of a hepatoprotective diet:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 bowl of whole grains with rice milk + 1 piece of papaya

Skimmed milk coffee + Scrambled egg with 4 toasts and natural fruit jelly

1/2 baguette with white cheese + 1 glass of orange juice

Morning snack 3 toast with natural fruit marmalade 1 medium banana 1 glass of raspberry smoothie prepared with plain yogurt
Lunch dinner Saffron rice and chicken mixed with peas, paprika and carrots 90 grams of white fish seasoned with rosemary + 1 cup of boiled carrots with green beans or beans + 4 tablespoons of mashed natural potatoes 90 grams of turkey + 1/2 cup of rice + 1/2 cup of beans + lettuce, tomato and onion salad seasoned with vinegar and lemon
Afternoon snack 1 apple in the oven sprinkled with cinnamon 1 plain yogurt with chopped fruits + 1 tablespoon of oats 1 cup of gelatin

In the case of chronic hepatitis or hepatitis during pregnancy, it is recommended that a nutritionist be consulted in order to carry out an evaluation and a nutritional plan adapted to the person's needs can be indicated.

In addition, it is important to be careful with nutritional supplements, although it may sometimes be necessary to take, especially during chronic hepatitis, and should be indicated by a doctor or nutritionist, since all are metabolized by the liver.

Foods to Avoid

The foods that should be avoided during hepatitis are mainly foods high in fat, as in hepatitis there is a decrease in the production of bile salts, which are substances responsible for helping to digest fats. Thus, consumption of very fatty foods could cause abdominal discomfort and diarrhea.

Thus, the main foods that should be avoided are:

  • Red meats and fried foods; Avocado and dried fruits; Butter, margarine and sour cream; Filled or processed foods; Foods made with refined sugar; Soft drinks and processed juices; Whole milk, yellow cheeses and sugared yoghurts; Pies, cookies, chocolates and snacks; Cubes for seasoning food; Frozen foods and fast food; Sauces such as ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and hot sauces; Alcoholic beverages.

When the person has hepatitis and abdominal pain as one of the symptoms, it may be recommended to avoid eating foods that produce gases, such as cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage, as they can increase abdominal discomfort.

See more tips on hepatitis nutrition in the following video:

Hepatitis diet (with menu option)