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Diet to cleanse the liver


To clean your liver and take care of your health, it is recommended to follow a balanced and low-fat diet, in addition to including hepatoprotective foods, such as lemon, acerola or turmeric, for example.

In addition, it is important to increase water consumption and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, since alcohol is metabolized in this organ and, therefore, its ingestion can cause greater inflammation.

The liver performs many functions in the body, both at the metabolic level and in the digestive system, so it is important to preserve your health through good eating habits. However, there are liver diseases that need an even more adapted diet, such as hepatitis or liver fat. See what the diet for hepatitis and liver fat is like.

What to eat to cleanse the liver

To take care of liver health it is important to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, since they are foods rich in antioxidants and fibers, which helps to control blood sugar and decrease the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.

In addition, breads, pasta or cereals should be consumed in their entirety, although in cases of hepatitis or cirrhosis, their consumption in non-integral form is indicated, to facilitate digestion.

Proteins should be essentially low-fat, skimmed milk, natural yoghurts and white cheeses such as ricotta or cottage cheese can be included in the diet. Within lean proteins, fish, turkey and skinless chicken should be consumed.

Ideally, food should be prepared in the form of grilled, cooked or oven-baked, with few spices, and herbs or other foods rich in antioxidants, such as garlic, oregano, turmeric, parsley, cinnamon or onion, for example.

Other foods that can be included in the diet and that have a strong protective effect on the liver are artichoke, carrot, chicory, lemon, raspberries, tomatoes, apples, plums, alfalfa, acerola, grapes, melon, beet, eggplant, asparagus and watercress. In addition, it is also possible to drink artichoke, bilberry or thistle tea to obtain the same type of protection on the liver.

Check out this video for other tips that can help clean your liver fast:

What not to eat in the liver diet

Some foods that should be avoided in this type of diet, to avoid overloading the liver, are:

  • Alcoholic beverages; Fried foods; Red meats; Butter, margarine, sour cream and condensed milk; Cream cheese, yellow and sausage cheeses; Whole milk and sugared yoghurts; Frozen or prepared foods; Sugar, cakes, biscuits, chocolate and other snacks ; Industrialized juices and soft drinks; Mayonnaise and other sauces.

Olive oil should be placed in the food at the table, so that it maintains its beneficial properties and never use oil or other fat for making meals.

3-day menu to cleanse the liver

This menu is an example of three days that follows the guidelines of the diet to cleanse the liver:

Meals Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 glass of unsweetened orange juice + 2 slices of wholemeal bread with white cheese Skimmed milk coffee + banana, oat and cinnamon pancakes 1 glass of sugar-free lemonade + scrambled eggs with white cheese + 2 whole toast
Morning snack Strawberry smoothie prepared with plain yogurt 1 jar of gelatin 1 banana with cinnamon
Lunch dinner 90 grams of grilled chicken breast + 4 tablespoons of rice + lettuce and carrot salad 90 grams of hake + 4 tablespoons of mashed potato + asparagus salad with tomato 90 grams of turkey cut into strips + 4 tablespoons of rice with turmeric + lettuce and tomato salad
Afternoon snack 3 toasts with 100% natural guava 240 mL of watermelon juice + 2 whole toast with white cheese 240 mL of plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oats

The recommended amounts at each meal vary according to the age, gender, health history and physical activity of each person, so it is essential to consult a nutritionist to make a personalized diet.

Diet to cleanse the liver