Home Bulls Online test to find out if your child has hyperactivity

Online test to find out if your child has hyperactivity


This is a test that helps parents to identify whether the child really has signs that may indicate attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and is a good tool for deciding whether it is necessary to consult the pediatrician because of this problem.

Hyperactivity is a neurological disorder where the child shows characteristic signs, being very agitated and having difficulty performing tasks until the end. Based on a list of symptoms, we have separated some questions for you that can help to identify if it really can be hyperactivity or if it is just a difficult phase that the child is facing.

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Find out if your child is hyperactive.

Start the test

Are you rubbing your hands, feet or squirming in your chair?
  • Yes No

Is the child messy and leaves everything out of place?
  • Yes No

Is it difficult for her to stand and watch a movie until the end?
  • Yes No

Does she seem not to listen when you talk to her and leave you talking to yourself?
  • Yes No

Is it too agitated and comes up on furniture or cabinets even when it is totally inappropriate?
  • Yes No
Doesn't she like calm and serene activities like Yoga class or meditation?
  • Yes No

Does she have a hard time waiting for her turn and pass in front of others?
  • Yes No

Do you have any difficulty staying seated for more than 1 hour?
  • Yes No

Are you easily distracted at school, or when you talk to her?
  • Yes No

Are you very agitated when listening to music or are you in a new environment with many people?
  • Yes No

Does the child like to be hurt by scratches or bites by doing this on purpose?
  • Yes No

Does the child have difficulty following the instructions that another person gives?
  • Yes No

Does the child have difficulty paying attention at school and is even distracted by a game he likes a lot?
  • Yes No

Does the child have difficulty completing one task because he is distracted and immediately starts another?
  • Yes No

Does the child find it difficult to play in a quiet and peaceful way?
  • Yes No

Does the child talk a lot?
  • Yes No

Does the child usually interrupt or disturb others?
  • Yes No

Does the child seem not to hear what is being said, often?
  • Yes No

Are you always missing out on things needed for tasks or activities at school or at home?
  • Yes No

Does the child like to participate in dangerous activities without considering the possible consequences?
  • Yes No

Online test to find out if your child has hyperactivity