Home Symptoms Typhus: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Typhus: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Typhus is an infectious disease caused by the flea or louse of the human body infected by bacteria of the genus Rickettsia sp ., Leading to the appearance of initial symptoms similar to those of other diseases, such as high fever, constant headache and general malaise, for example. However, as the bacteria develops inside the person's cells, spots and rashes on the skin can be seen and spread quickly throughout the body.

According to the species and transmitting agent, typhus can be classified into:

  • Epidemic typhus, which is caused by the flea bite infected by the Rickettsia prowazekii bacteria; Murine or endemic typhus, which is caused by the entry of louse feces infected by the Rickettsia typhi bacteria through sores on the skin or mucous membranes of the eye or mouth, for example.

It is important that typhus is diagnosed by the general practitioner or infectious disease and treated to prevent disease progression and complications, such as neuronal, gastrointestinal and renal changes, for example. Treatment for Typhus can be done at home with the use of antibiotics that should be used as directed by the doctor, even if there are no more symptoms.

Typhus Symptoms

Typhus symptoms appear between 7 and 14 days after infection by the bacteria, however the initial symptoms are not specific. The main symptoms of typhus are:

  • Intense and constant headache; High and prolonged fever; Excessive tiredness; Appearance of spots and rashes on the skin that spread quickly throughout the body and that usually appear 4 to 6 days after the appearance of the first symptom.

If typhus is not identified and treated quickly, it is possible for the bacteria to infect more cells in the body and spread to other organs, which can cause gastrointestinal problems, loss of kidney function and respiratory changes, and can be fatal especially in people over 50.

What is the difference between Typhus, Typhoid and Spotted Fever?

Despite the similar name, typhus and typhoid fever are different diseases: typhus is caused by the bacteria of the genus Rickettsia sp ., While typhoid fever is caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi , which can be transmitted through the consumption of water and food contaminated by bacteria, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as high fever, lack of appetite, enlarged spleen and the appearance of red spots on the skin, for example. Learn more about typhoid fever.

Typhus and spotted fever are diseases caused by bacteria belonging to the same genus, however the species and the transmitting agent are different. Spotted fever is caused by the bite of the star tick infected by the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii and the symptoms of infection appear between 3 and 14 days before they appear. Here's how to identify spotted fever.

How is the treatment

The treatment for typhus is done according to medical advice, and the use of antibiotics, such as Doxycycline, for example, is usually indicated for about 7 days. Most of the time it is possible to notice improvement of the symptoms about 2 to 3 days after the beginning of the treatment, however it is not advisable to interrupt the treatment, as it is possible that not all the bacteria have been eliminated.

Another antibiotic that can be advised is Chloramphenicol, however this remedy is not the first choice due to the side effects that may be associated with its use.

In the case of typhus caused by the louse infected by the bacterium, the most appropriate use of remedies to eliminate lice. Check out the following video on how to get rid of lice:

Typhus: what it is, symptoms and treatment