Home Symptoms Diet for hepatic encephalopathy

Diet for hepatic encephalopathy


The diet for liver encephalopathy, which is a serious complication of liver failure, must be low in protein, even from plant sources such as soy or tofu.

Hepatic encephalopathy arises when the liver is not functioning well and as a result produces toxins that affect the brain causing neuromuscular and behavioral changes.

Hepatic encephalopathy is a serious complication and treatment must be guided by a doctor who will appoint a qualified nutritionist to make a structured and adapted diet plan for the patient with hepatic encephalopathy.

Foods allowed in hepatic encephalopathy

Foods to avoid in hepatic encephalopathy

Eating plan in hepatic encephalopathy

The dietary plan for hepatic encephalopathy should aim to reduce the protein ingested as follows:

  • For breakfast and snacks - avoid consumption of dairy products. Example: A fruit juice with a bread with marmalade or a fruit with four toasts. For lunch and dinner - eat meat and fish less often because they contain proteins of animal origin and give preference to legumes such as beans, broad beans, lentils, soybeans, peas that have proteins of plant origin. Example: soy stew with rice and lettuce salad, tomatoes, peppers and corn with fruit for dessert.

What to eat in case of hepatic encephalopathy

In case of hepatic encephalopathy eat more proteins of plant origin such as beans, broad beans, lentils, peas and soy than of animal origin such as meat or fish. Also eat fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables that help eliminate the compounds that are intoxicating the body in liver encephalopathy.

What not to eat in case of hepatic encephalopathy

In case of hepatic encephalopathy do not eat:

  • snacks, sausages and smoked, preserved and canned foods, preconditioned foods, pre-prepared sauces cheese, hamburger, chicken, egg yolk, ham, gelatin, onion, batatable alcoholic drinks
Diet for hepatic encephalopathy