Home Bulls Hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders


Hormonal disorders can occur as a polyglandular deficiency syndrome and generally have a genetic inheritance. It is a deficiency where the endocrine glands produce smaller amounts of hormones than they should.

It is common that in this syndrome, these hormonal disorders start due to an autoimmune disease, an infection, an inadequate blood supply to the gland or even a tumor.

Usually after one gland is damaged, others reduce or stop its functioning. This is called multiple failure of the endocrine glands. To make the correct diagnosis, blood tests can be used to check the production of hormones.

The treatment of this type of disorder is based on hormone replacement, since there is no cure. In case of thyroid hypoactivity the treatment will be supplementation of thyroid hormones; if, for example, it is an individual with adrenal hypoactivity, treatment would be with corticosteroids; diabetes is treated with insulin and so on.

Hormonal disorders