Home Bulls Donnagel



Donnagel is a medicine that has Metronidazole as its active ingredient.

This medication is an antibacterial used topically, which is highly effective in the treatment of gynecological infections.

The active substance in Donnagel interferes with the DNA of bacteria and protozoa, causing them to die and decreasing the symptoms of infections.

Donnagel indications

infections of vulvoginitis such as vaginitis, cervicitis, cervicovaginitis.

Side Effects of Donnagel

Sedation; local irritation; burning sensation.

Contraindications for Donnagel

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; children; individuals with hypersensitivity to the product.

How to Use Donnagel

Topical Use


  • Apply 4 g of Donnagel in the vagina with the aid of the applicator that accompanies the medication. Perform this procedure before bed for 10 consecutive days.