Home Symptoms Sore throat: what it can be and what to do to heal

Sore throat: what it can be and what to do to heal


Sore throat, scientifically called odynophagia, is a very common symptom, which is characterized by a sensation of pain that can be located in the pharynx, larynx or tonsils, which can occur in situations such as flu, cold, infection, allergy, air dry, or exposure to irritants, for example, and that must be treated according to the cause that is at its origin.

In most cases, the sore throat is accompanied by other symptoms, which help to make a diagnosis, allowing to establish the most appropriate treatment:

1. Flu and cold

The flu and cold are the most common causes of sore throat, because the main entry for viruses is the nose, which ends up accumulating and multiplying in the lining of the throat, causing pain. Other symptoms that can occur are coughing, fever, sneezing and headache and in the body.

What to do: To help relieve symptoms, your doctor may recommend painkillers and anti-inflammatories for pain and fever, antihistamines for runny nose and sneezing and syrups to calm your cough. In some cases, if a bacterial infection develops, it may be necessary to take antibiotics. Learn how to distinguish between flu and cold.

2. Bacterial infection

Sore throat can also be caused by bacteria, the most common being infection by Streptococcus pyogenes, which is a bacterium naturally present in the lining of the throat, without causing disease. However, due to some situation, there may be an imbalance between the species of microorganisms in the region and the consequent proliferation of this type of bacteria, giving rise to an infection. In addition, STIs like gonorrhea or chlamydia can also cause infection and sore throat.

What to do: Generally, treatment consists of administering antibiotics, which must be prescribed by the doctor, who can also prescribe pain relievers to relieve sore throat.

3. Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is the return of stomach contents to the esophagus and mouth, which can cause pain and inflammation in the throat, due to the presence of acid that is secreted in the stomach. Learn more about gastroesophageal reflux.

What to do: To avoid sore throat caused by reflux of gastric contents, the doctor may recommend the administration of drugs that inhibit the production of acid, antacids or stomach protectors.

4. Dry air and air conditioning

When the air is drier, the lining of the nose and throat tend to lose moisture, and the throat tends to become drier and irritated.

What to do: The ideal is to avoid air conditioning and exposure to dry environments. In addition, it is advisable to drink a lot of water and apply hydration solutions to the mucous membranes, such as saline in the nose.

5. Allergy

Sometimes, when an allergic reaction occurs, the throat may become irritated and, in addition, symptoms such as runny nose, watery eyes or sneezing, for example, may also appear.

What to do: The doctor may recommend administration of antihistamines to relieve allergic symptoms.

6. Cigarette smoke and air pollution

Cigarette smoke and air pollution caused by fires, the emission of motor vehicles or industrial activities, for example, are also responsible for causing irritation in the throat. See other health consequences of pollution.

What to do: You should avoid closed places with excessive cigarette smoke and prefer to go out into green spaces where the air is less polluted.

Sore throat: what it can be and what to do to heal