Home Bulls Sleeping poorly can cause impotence

Sleeping poorly can cause impotence


Sleeping poorly can be one of the main causes of impotence in men, even when sleeping pills, such as Rivotril or Diazepam are used, as the quality of sleep is the most important, and can cause hormonal changes that affect sexual performance.

Thus, men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction and who are not having success with treatment, should inform the doctor if they are having trouble sleeping, because, even though they seem unrelated problems, lack of sleep can be the main cause of impotence.

How lack of sleep affects erection

When you sleep poorly, the body produces a substance, known as endothelin-1, which has the action of constricting blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. When this happens, the sexual organ receives less blood, making it harder to have an erection.

In addition, having a short or poor quality sleep also increases the levels of cortisol, which is produced during situations of great stress and which allows the person to stay focused. However, when it is in excess, it reduces the production of testosterone, which is the main hormone for guaranteeing libido.

Thus, men who sleep less than 7 hours a night, or have poor restful and restful sleep, may have less sexual desire and an added difficulty to have an erection, eventually developing impotence over time.

See 4 methods to sleep better, and avoid this type of problems.

Sleeping poorly can cause impotence