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How to treat delayed ejaculation


Delayed ejaculation is a dysfunction in men characterized by the absence of ejaculation during sexual intercourse, but which happens more easily during masturbation. The diagnosis of this dysfunction is confirmed when the symptoms persist for about 6 months and is less frequent than premature ejaculation, which is a dysfunction characterized by ejaculation before or right at the beginning of penetration. Understand what premature ejaculation is and how to treat it.

Delayed ejaculation can be classified into:

  • Primary or permanent, when it is present throughout the life of man; Secondary or transient, when from a certain age or due to some situation, the man stops ejaculating during the sexual act.

This dysfunction can generate frustration for both men and women, with the guidance of a sexologist, for example, to clarify the situation.

Symptoms of delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation happens when the man is unable to ejaculate during sexual intercourse, which is easier to happen during masturbation, unlike anorgasmia, in which the man is unable to ejaculate in any situation. See what are the symptoms and treatment for anorgasmia.

Although there is no ejaculation, the man is able to maintain the erection for longer, prolonging sexual activity, which can cause pain, both in women and in men, due to the loss of natural lubrication, in addition to becoming exhausting and frustrating for both. In addition, there may be wear and tear in the relationship, anxiety and depression.

Possible causes

The causes of delayed ejaculation involve both clinical and psychological factors and can be:

  • Obstruction of the channels through which the sperm passes, thus preventing ejaculation; Diabetes; Use of antidepressant drugs; Use of excessive alcohol; Use of drugs such as cocaine, crack and marijuana; Fear of becoming pregnant with the partner; Concerns about sexual performance; Child sexual abuse; Religious issues.

For having several causes associated with this dysfunction, the diagnosis can be made by several medical specialties depending on the cause, such as a psychologist or sex therapist, urologist or endocrinologist, for example.

How to treat

The treatment of delayed ejaculation is made from the identification of the cause, being easily solved and usually involves therapy, since it can bring some consequences to the relationship.

In addition, it is important that men maintain healthy habits, such as regular physical exercise, balanced nutrition and avoid smoking, drinking or taking drugs.

How to treat delayed ejaculation