Home Bulls Elocom



Elocom is a topical anti-inflammatory drug that has Mometasone as its active substance.

This topical medication is indicated for the treatment of psoriasis, relieving itching and edema.

Indications of Elocom (What is it for)

Atopic dermatitis; psoriasis.

Elocom Price

The box of Elocom of 20 mg can cost approximately between 23 and 25 reais.

Side effects of Elocom

Headache; cough; nosebleed; sore throat; allergic rhinitis; respiratory infection; viral infections.

Contraindications for Elocom

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

Directions for use of Elocom (Posology)

Topical use


  • Apply a thin layer of the medication on the affected area, once a day.