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Weight loss 3 kg in 3 days


This diet uses artichoke as a basis for weight loss, as it is very low in calories and rich in nutrients. In addition, it has a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal transit, which is another factor that makes weight loss difficult.

Any diet should be done under individualized nutritional counseling, especially if there is an associated health problem, such as anemia, diabetes or eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia, for example.

This artichoke diet helps to reduce cellulite and relieve water retention because in addition to cleaning and detoxifying the blood, this vegetable favors liver metabolism and activates the production of bile.

Fast weight loss menu - 3kg in 3 days

Those who need to lose weight urgently, can follow the following menu for 3 days in a row:


  • 250 ml of orange juice; 2 slices of wholegrain bread; 2 teaspoons of artichoke puree; 1 soy yogurt


  • Add the onion and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Half an hour before lunch

  • 1 artichoke flower or 2 artichoke capsules
  • 350 ml of skimmed milk


  • Add the onion and cook for a further 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.

This diet should be done for 3 days only, so as not to cause nutritional deficiencies. During the 3 days of the diet it is also important to avoid very intense physical activities.

The eliminated weight can vary according to the metabolism and the initial weight of each one. The closer to the ideal weight, the more difficult it is to lose weight. Find out how many pounds you need to lose at: How to know how many pounds I need to lose.

To detoxify the body and start the diet, watch the video and see the best ingredients to make a detox soup.

See other tips to lose weight:

Weight loss 3 kg in 3 days