Home Bulls What to eat and what to avoid in the moon diet

What to eat and what to avoid in the moon diet


To lose weight with the moon diet, you should only drink fluids for 24 hours at each moon phase change, which occurs once a week. Thus, at each change of the moon it is only allowed to consume liquids such as juices, soups, water, tea, coffee or milk, always without sugar.

This diet is based on the belief that the moon influences fluids in the human body, just as it influences the tides. The same occurs with the belief that the hair is cut according to the phase of the moon, to stimulate growth and combat hair loss. However, it is important to remember that these beliefs have no scientific proof.

Allowed Foods

Foods allowed on moon change days are:

  • Soups and broths; Sugar-free coffee; Sugar-free juices; Milk; Fruit vitamins without added sugar; Yogurt; Sugar-free teas.

Water is also essential in this diet, and you should consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Forbidden foods always

Foods that should be avoided in the moon's diet are those rich in bad fats, such as fried foods, snacks, fast food, and processed foods such as sausage, sausage, bacon, salami, ham, ready-made sauces and frozen ready food.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid sugar and sweets in general, and foods rich in refined wheat flour, such as white bread, pizza, cookies and cakes. Learn how to lose weight with dietary reeducation.

Foods banned during moon changes

During the days of liquid diet, you should avoid mainly solid foods, but it is also important to be careful to avoid the consumption of liquids rich in sugar or salt, which will cause fluid retention and weight gain, in addition to damaging the intestine.

Thus, industrialized juices, ice cream, coffee or teas with sugar, soft drinks, powdered soups or broths that use diced spices should be avoided. See an example of the Liquid Detox Diet.

Moon diet menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day moon diet menu, including 1 day of liquid food and 2 days of solid food:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 cup of sugar-free papaya smoothie 1 cup of unsweetened coffee + 1 slice of bread with egg and cheese 1 cup of coffee with milk + 1 fruit + 2 boiled eggs
Morning snack 1 cup unsweetened green tea 1 banana + 1 col of oat soup 1 apple + 5 cashew nuts
Lunch dinner beaten vegetable soup 3 col of rice soup + 2 col of bean soup + 100 g of cooked or roasted meat + green salad with olive oil 3 slices of sweet potato + raw salad with corn and olive oil + 1 piece of fish
Afternoon snack 1 plain yogurt banana smoothie: 200 ml of milk + 1 banana + 1 col of peanut butter soup 1 cup of coffee + 3 whole toast with cheese and diet jam

It is important to remember that the diet should be guided by a nutritionist and that weight loss is more effective when the diet is combined with regular physical activity.

See below the video of our nutritionist teaching how to make a detox soup, which can be used on the days when the moon phase changes:

What to eat and what to avoid in the moon diet