Home Bulls Weight loss with l-carnitine

Weight loss with l-carnitine


L-Carnitine can lose weight because it is a substance that helps the body to transport fat to the mitochondria of cells, which are places where fat is burned and transformed into energy necessary for the functioning of the body.

Thus, the use of L-Carnitine, in addition to helping to lose weight, increases energy levels, improving performance in training and endurance.

This substance can be found naturally in dairy products and meat, especially in red meat, as well as in avocado or soy beans, although in smaller quantities.

When to use supplements

L-Carnitine supplements are mainly indicated for those who follow vegetarian diets, however they can be used by all people to increase the levels of this substance in the body and potentiate the burning of fat.

Some of the main brands of this type of supplement are:

  • Universal; IntegralMedica; Atlhetica Evolution; MidWayNeoNutri.

These supplements can be sold in the form of capsules or syrups with different types of flavor.

How to take

The recommended dose of L-Carnitine is 2 to 6 grams per day, for 6 months, and should be guided by a doctor or nutritionist according to weight and level of physical activity.

The ideal is to take the supplement in the morning or before training, as it is necessary to exercise for the body to use the substance properly.

Main side effects

In most cases, the use of L-Carnitine does not have any negative effect, however when used in excess or for very long periods, nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting or diarrhea may appear, for example.

Also check out a list of 5 supplements to lose weight faster.

Weight loss with l-carnitine