Home Bulls What endermology is and what it is for

What endermology is and what it is for


Endermologia, also called endermoterapia, is an aesthetic treatment used to eliminate cellulite and localized fat, especially in the belly, legs and arms.

This type of treatment is usually done by a beautician specialized in endermology or physiotherapist with the use of a specific device capable of stimulating blood circulation and eliminating cellulite. The price of endermology varies according to the region of the body to be treated and the clinic in which the treatment is performed, which can cost around R $ 100.00 per session.

What is endermology for

Endermology can be performed for various aesthetic purposes, and is usually indicated for:

  • Cellulite treatment; Localized fat treatment; Skin toning; Improved silhouette; After plastic surgery; Combat fluid retention.

Endermology can also be indicated to detach an adherent scar, for example, which is very common to happen in the scar of cesarean section. In addition, this type of treatment can help to undo the fibrosis, which corresponds to the hardened tissues that form under the scar, or after liposuction when the treated region has small undulations where the cannula has passed.

How it works

Endermology is a technique that consists of performing a vigorous massage with a specific device, which does not cause pain and helps to eliminate cellulite. This technique is very safe and should be done for about 2 months to obtain results.

The treatment consists of 'sucking' the skin, promoting a sliding and detachment of the skin and fat layer, from the fascia that covers the muscles to improve blood circulation, eliminating fluid retention, shaping the body and making the skin more shiny and soft.

Normally, endermology is performed by a physiotherapist using a specific vacuum and ultrasound device that stimulates blood flow, destroys cellulite nodules and eliminates toxins. However, this technique can also be used with glass or silicone suction cups and is easy to apply at home, during the bath, for example.

Usually, endermology results appear after 10 to 15 30-minute sessions, which should be performed about twice a week. However, the number of sessions may vary according to the purpose of the treatment and the size of the region to be treated.

Contraindications for endermology

Contraindications for endermology are related to increased circulation and, therefore, it is contraindicated in the case of thrombosis, infections or local inflammations, respiratory problems, kidney diseases and liver problems, diabetes and blood circulation problems.

In addition to these contraindications, pregnant women should also not resort to endermology.

Generally, endermology does not cause complications, however it may be that there is an increase in sensitivity or the appearance of bruises due to the suction performed in the region, and you should inform these effects to the professional who performed the treatment.

Check out what works to eliminate cellulite by watching the following video:

What endermology is and what it is for