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Endometriosis: is it possible to cure?


Endometriosis is a chronic disease of the female reproductive system that has no cure, but that can be controlled through appropriate treatment and well guided by a gynecologist. Thus, as long as regular consultations are made with the doctor and all guidelines are followed, in most cases, it is possible to greatly improve the quality of life and alleviate all discomfort.

The types of treatments most used are the use of medicines and surgery, but the therapeutic regimen may vary according to the woman, and generally the doctor chooses the treatment after evaluating some factors, such as:

  • Age of the woman; Intensity of symptoms; Willingness to have children.

Sometimes, the doctor can start a treatment and then switch to another one, according to the response of the woman's body. For this reason, it is very important to have regular consultations to ensure the best results. Find out more about all treatment options for endometriosis.

Generally, during menopause, the progression of endometriosis slows down, as there is a decrease in female hormones and a consequent shortage of menstruation. This factor associated with a correct approach to the disease can represent an "almost cure" of endometriosis for many women.

Treatment options for endometriosis

Treatment options usually vary more according to the desire to have children, and can be divided into 2 main types:

1. Young women who wish to have children

In these cases, treatment usually includes the use of:

  • Oral contraceptives; Hormonal medications such as Zoladex; Mirena IUD; Surgery to remove outbreaks of endometriosis.

Endometriosis surgery is performed by videolaparoscopy that is able to remove tissue without the need to remove the involved organs and / or to cauterize the small foci of endometriosis.

As for hormonal medications, when a woman wants to become pregnant, she can stop taking them and then start trying. Although these women are at increased risk of miscarriage, their chances of becoming pregnant become similar to that of a healthy woman. See how you can get pregnant with endometriosis.

2. Women who do not wish to have children

In the case of women who do not intend to become pregnant, the treatment of choice is usually surgery to remove all the endometrial tissue and the affected organs. In some cases after remission of the disease, over the years, endometriosis may return and reach other organs, making it necessary to restart treatment. See how surgery for endometriosis is done.

Endometriosis: is it possible to cure?