Home Symptoms Opaque enema: what is it for and how to do it

Opaque enema: what is it for and how to do it


The opaque enema exam or opaque enema, is an exam that uses x-ray and contrast, usually barium sulphate, to study the shape and function of the large intestine and rectum, to detect possible intestinal problems, such as diverticulitis or polyps, for example.

The opaque enema exam can be done in both adults and children and can be divided into a simple opaque enema, when using only one contrast, and an opaque enema with double contrast, when more than one type of contrast is used.

Image of examination of opaque enema in adult

Opaque enema examination image in child

The opaque enema exam lasts about 40 minutes, is performed without anesthesia and the individual may experience pain and discomfort during the exam. Therefore, some doctors prefer to request a colonoscopy because it also serves to assess the large intestine, being safer and more comfortable for the patient.

Preparation for the opaque enema exam

Preparation for the opaque enema exam in adults includes:

  • Fast about 8 to 10 hours before the exam; Do not smoke or chew gum while fasting; Take a laxative in the form of a tablet or suppository the day before to clean the intestines; Eat a liquid diet the day before the exam, indicated by the doctor.

These precautions are important because the intestine must be completely clean, without residues of feces or gauze, in order to be able to see the changes.

Preparing for the enema opaque in children over 2 years of age includes offering plenty of fluids during the day and giving magnesium milk after dinner the day before the exam. If the exam was requested because of chronic constipation or megacolon, preparation is not necessary.

How is the opaque enema exam done

The opaque enema exam is done according to the following steps:

  1. Performing a simple x-ray of the abdomen to check that the intestine is properly clean; The individual lies on the left side, leaning the body forward and places the right leg further in front of the left leg; Introduction of a rectal probe and contrast; The individual must change position to spread the contrast; Removal of excess contrast and air injection; Removal of the probe; Performing several x-rays to assess the intestine.

During the examination, the individual may feel the urge to evacuate, especially after the injection of air and, after the examination, may experience swelling and pain in the abdomen and urgent desire to evacuate. It is normal for the individual to be constipated for a few days and the stools become white or gray due to the contrast, so it is very important to increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber, such as whole grains and unpeeled fruits, and to drink 2 liters of water a day.

In the case of children, this can also happen, so it is important for parents to offer the child plenty of fluids after the exam.

What is it for

The indications of the enema opaque exam can be colitis, cancer of the intestine, tumors in the intestine, diverticulitis which is the inflammation of the folds of the intestine walls, volvo which is characterized by the twisted intestine or intestinal polyps.

In children, the indications for the opaque enema test may be megacolon, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, bloody stools or chronic pain in the abdomen.

Where to take the opaque enema exam

The opaque enema exam can be done at the hospital, at clinics or exam labs.

Opaque enema: what is it for and how to do it