Home Bulls Ergometrine



Ergometrine is an oxytocyte medication that has Ergotrate as a reference.

This medication for oral and injectable use is indicated for postpartum hemorrhages, its action directly stimulates the uterine muscle, increasing the strength and frequency of contractions. Ergometrine decreases uterine bleeding when used after placental clearance.

Ergometrine Indications

Postabortion hemorrhage; Postpartum hemorrhage.

Ergometrine Price

The 0.2 g Ergometrine box containing 12 tablets costs approximately 7 reais and the 0.2 g box containing 100 ampoules costs approximately 154 reais.

Side Effects of Ergometrine

Increased blood pressure; chest pain; inflammation of the vein; ringing in the ears; allergic shock; itch; diarrhea; colic; vomiting; nausea; weakness in the legs; mental confusion; short breath; sweats; dizziness.

Contraindications for Ergometrine

Pregnant or lactating women; Cerebrovascular accident; unstable chest angina; transient ischemic attack; coronary artery disease; occlusive peripheral vascular diseases; eclampsia; severe Raynaud's phenomenon; severe hypertension; recent myocardial infarction; pre eclampsia.

How to Use Ergometrine

Injectable Use


  • Postpartum or post-abortion bleeding (prevention and treatment): 0.2 mg intramuscularly, every 2 to 4 hours, up to a maximum of 5 doses. Postpartum or postabortion bleeding (prevention and treatment) (in cases of severe uterine bleeding or other life-threatening emergencies): 0.2 mg intravenously, slowly, for 1 minute.

After the initial dose intramuscularly or intravenously, continue the oral medication, with 0.2 to 0.4 mg every 6 to 12 hours, for 2 days. Decrease the dose if a strong uterine contraction occurs.
