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What is erysipelas and how to treat


Erysipelas is an infection of the superficial layer of the skin that causes red, inflamed and painful wounds, and develops mainly on the legs, face or arms, although it can appear anywhere on the body.

This disease is more common in people over 50 years of age, obese or diabetic and is usually caused by a bacterium called Streptcoccus pyogenes , which can also cause a more serious form of the disease, called bullous erysipelas, which causes wounds with bubbles with clear, yellow or brown liquid.

Erysipelas is curable when treatment is started quickly with antibiotics guided by a general practitioner or dermatologist, such as Penicillin, however, in some cases, this disease may reoccur or may even become chronic, being more difficult to eliminate.

Erysipelas Pictures

Main symptoms

The symptoms of this disease usually appear abruptly and can be accompanied by a fever over 38ยบ and chills. The most common are:

  • Red sores on the skin, inflamed and in pain; Burning sensation in the affected region; Red spots with raised and irregular edges; Blistering and darkening of the affected region, in the most severe cases, called bullous erysipelas.

In addition, if the lesion is not treated quickly, it is possible that the bacteria cause pus accumulation, cause skin necrosis or reach the bloodstream, causing generalized infection and even the risk of death.

When the infection reaches the deepest layers of the skin, the lesion is called infectious cellulitis. Find out more about this disease in symptoms and treatment of infectious cellulitis.

Causes of erysipelas

Erysipelas is not contagious because it happens when bacteria that colonize the body penetrate the skin through some entrance, usually a wound, insect bite, chronic venous ulcer, improper manipulation of nails or chilblains and athlete's foot, for example, and for these reasons, it is more common for erysipelas to happen on the feet and legs.

Anyone can develop this infection, however, those with weakened immune systems, obese or poor circulation are the most susceptible. Thus, the best way to prevent the development of the disease is to properly treat skin wounds and keep them protected, so that they cannot be infected. Learn how a dressing should be done to keep the wound protected.

The main bacterium is Streptcoccus pyogenes, also known as group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus , however, other bacteria that live on the skin can also cause these lesions, such as Staphylococcus aureus . These bacteria reach skin layers and lymphatic tissues, where they cause injuries and inflammation, which give rise to the disease.

How to confirm the diagnosis

The diagnosis of erysipelas is made by the general practitioner or dermatologist, by observing the symptoms of the disease, and there is generally no need to perform other specific tests.

Thus, as soon as the first symptoms appear it is important to go to the doctor, so that the disease can begin to be quickly identified and treated to avoid complications such as lymphedema, elephantiasis or generalized infection.

How the treatment is done

Erysipelas can be treated at home, with the ingestion of antibiotics, such as Penicillin, Amoxicillin or Ciprofloxacino, which should be taken for about 10 to 14 days, according to the instructions given by the doctor.

Antibiotics in the vein can be applied in situations of more extensive injuries or when it reaches the blood circulation, as in septicemia. When the problem is erysipelas bullosa, in addition to the use of antibiotics, it may also be necessary to use creams to pass on the affected skin and improve symptoms, which usually have fusidic acid or silver sulfadiazine in its composition.

In the case of people who have chronic or repeated erysipelas, it may be necessary to use benzathine penicillin, intramuscularly, every 21 days, to provide a more effective fight against the bacteria that live in the region.

In cases of serious injuries, such as necrosis and purulent discharge, a surgical approach may be necessary, removing and draining large areas of dead skin and pus.

Home treatment option

To facilitate recovery, in addition to treatment with antibiotics, it is recommended to rest and elevate the affected limb, in case the disease arises in the legs or arms. In addition to this care, for some people with swollen legs, the use of elastic stockings or the application of cold wet compresses in the infusion of juniper over the affected regions may be indicated. See how you can prepare this home remedy that should only be used with the doctor's knowledge.

What is erysipelas and how to treat