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All about escherichia coli


Escherichia coli , or E. coli , is a bacterium that naturally inhabits the intestines of people and some animals, without any sign of disease. However, there are some types of E. coli that are harmful to people and that enter the body due to the consumption of contaminated food, for example, causing gastroenteritis with severe diarrhea and with mucus or blood.

In addition to causing intestinal infections, the occurrence of E. coli can also result in urinary tract infection, and it is important that it is identified by means of a specific microbiological examination of urine so that treatment can begin.

There are 4 types of E. coli that cause intestinal infections, enterotoxigenic, enteroinvasive, enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic E. coli . These types of E. coli can be identified in a stool test requested by the doctor, especially in the case of children, pregnant women, the elderly or people with weakened immune systems, such as those undergoing treatment for cancer or AIDS, for example.

E. coli symptoms

Intestinal symptoms of Escherichia coli infection usually appear between 5 to 7 hours after contact with this bacterium. If you suspect an infection with E. coli , take the following test according to your symptoms:

  1. 1. Constant diarrhea Yes No
  2. 2. Bloody stools Yes No
  3. 3. Abdominal pain or frequent cramps Yes No
  4. 4. Nausea and vomiting Yes No
  5. 5. General malaise and tiredness Yes No
  6. 6. Fever below 38ยบ C Yes No
  7. 7. Loss of appetite Yes No

In addition to gastrointestinal infections, Escherichia coli can also cause urinary tract infections, with the appearance of typical symptoms of urinary tract infection, such as painful or burning urination, cloudy urine or strong odor, and it is important to go to the doctor to recommend conducting a urine test to identify the bacteria. Know how to recognize the symptoms of Escherichia coli infection.

E. coli

The transmission of this bacterium occurs through contaminated water or food, or through contact with the feces of the contaminated person, and for this reason it is easily transmitted especially among children, at school or at daycare.

Due to the easy transmission of this bacterium and the proximity between the anus and the vagina, E. coli can cause several diseases, such as:

  • Gastroenteritis, when it affects the intestine; Urinary infection, when it reaches the urethra or bladder; Pyelonephritis, when it affects the kidneys after a urinary infection; Appendicitis, when it affects the appendix of the intestine; Meningitis, when it reaches the nervous system.

In addition, when Escherichia coli infection is not properly treated, it is possible that this bacterium reaches the bloodstream, causing septicemia, which is a serious condition usually treated in a hospital setting.

How is the treatment

Treatment for Escherichia coli infection is done according to the sensitivity profile of this bacterium to antibiotics, which is informed by means of the antibiogram, and to the person's general health. When the person has symptoms, especially in the case of a urinary tract infection, the doctor may recommend the use of antibiotics, such as cephalosporins, levofloxacin and ampicillin.

In the case of intestinal infection, the use of antibiotics is usually not recommended, as this situation tends to resolve itself within a few days, with only rest and the intake of plenty of fluids being recommended. The use of medicines that trap the intestine is not recommended because they can increase the severity of the disease, since the bacteria are not eliminated through the feces.

Another good way to help regulate the intestine is to take a probiotic like PB8, Simfort, Simcaps, Kefir Real and Floratil, and they can be found in pharmacies and nutritional stores.

How to prevent Escherichia coli infection

The prevention against contamination with E. coli consists of:

  • Wash your hands after using the bathroom; Wash your hands always before meals; Wash your hands before and after preparing meals; Wash foods that are eaten raw like lettuce and tomatoes well; Do not swallow water from the pool, river or water. Beach.

In addition, it is also important to disinfect foods that are eaten raw, soaking them, completely immersed, in 1 tablespoon of bleach for each liter of drinking water and letting it rest for fifteen minutes before consuming.

All about escherichia coli