Home Symptoms High stomach: what can be and what to do

High stomach: what can be and what to do


The high stomach happens due to the distention of the abdomen that can be caused by a diet rich in sugar and fat, constipation and lack of physical activity, for example.

In addition to swelling of the abdominal region, there may be discomfort and difficulty in breathing, depending on the severity of the high stomach, in addition to poor digestion, malaise and increased risk of inflammation in the intestine.

Main causes of high stomach

The high stomach can happen due to several situations, the main ones being:

1. Poor nutrition

The consumption of foods rich in sugar or fat can favor the occurrence of the high stomach, this is because these foods undergo fermentation in the body, with the production of many gases and leading to abdominal distension.

In addition, the mode of consumption of the food can also lead to a high stomach, especially when eating too fast, there is little chewing or when the interval between meals is very short. Thus, in addition to having a high stomach, there may be weight gain and accumulation of fat in the abdominal region.

Consuming too much food at once or foods that cause some symptom of intolerance can also cause a high stomach.

2. Intestinal problems

Some intestinal problems can also favor the occurrence of a high stomach, because there is inflammation of the intestinal structures, which leads to the production of gas and abdominal bloating. Thus, people who suffer from constipation, intestinal infections, diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome, for example, may have a high stomach.

3. Sedentary lifestyle

The lack of physical activity can also cause a high stomach, because the food consumed is stored in the form of fat, resulting in abdominal distension. Know other consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.

4. Genetics

The high stomach can also happen due to genetics, and it can happen even in thin people, who eat properly or who practice physical activity regularly.

In these cases, the most recommended is to seek the advice of a doctor so that the upper stomach is evaluated and verified if it represents any risk to health and, thus, some form of treatment is indicated.

In case the upper stomach does not cause aesthetic or functional problems in the person, the treatment must be customized according to the patient's needs.

What to do

The main way of treating the high stomach is through food, since the main cause of abdominal distension and, consequently, high stomach. Therefore, it is recommended:

  • Avoid the consumption of heavy foods at night; Decrease the consumption of foods rich in sugar and fat, as well as foods that result in symptoms of intolerance, such as milk and dairy products, for example; Practice physical activity on a regular basis, in addition to exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal region. Know some exercises to strengthen the abdomen; Drink water during the day, at least 2 liters; Eat at least 5 meals a day with less volume of food at each moment; Eat more fiber, fruits and vegetables, as they improve the functioning of the intestine, avoiding not only constipation, but also the high stomach. Eat slowly and chew several times, avoiding talking while eating to avoid swallowing air; Avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

In some cases, the upper stomach can also be treated using aesthetic procedures, such as cryolipolysis, for example, which is a procedure that exposes fat cells to low temperatures, promoting their rupture and elimination and decreasing abdominal distention. Understand more about cryolipolysis.

High stomach: what can be and what to do