Home Symptoms Stomach tube: care and how to feed

Stomach tube: care and how to feed


To properly feed a person with a nasogastric tube it is important to have the following material:

  • 1 100 ml syringe (feeding syringe); 1 glass of water; 1 cloth (optional).

The feeding syringe must be washed after each use and must be changed at least every 2 weeks for a new one, bought at the pharmacy.

In addition, to prevent the probe from becoming clogged, and it is necessary to change it, you should only use liquid foods, such as soup or vitamins, for example. See how the nasogastric tube diet should be prepared.

The correct technique for feeding a person with a tube helps to facilitate the caregiver's task and avoid complications, such as excess gas in the stomach or aspiration of food into the lungs.

6 steps to feed a person with probe

Before starting the technique to feed the person with a nasogastric tube, it is important to sit the patient down or lift the back with a pillow to prevent the food from returning to the mouth or being sucked into the lungs.

1. Place a cloth under the nasogastric tube to protect the bed or person from food scraps that may fall from the syringe.

Step 1

2. Fold the tip of the nasogastric tube, squeeze well so that no air enters the tube, as shown in the image, and remove the cap, placing it on the cloth.

Step 2

3. Insert the tip of the 100 ml syringe into the opening of the probe, unfold the tube and pull the plunger to suck up the liquid that is inside the stomach. If you can suck more than half the amount of liquid from the previous meal (about 100 ml) it is recommended to feed the person later, when the content is less than 50 ml, for example. The aspirated content must always be placed back in the stomach.

Step 3

4. Fold back the tip of the nasogastric tube, squeeze so that no air enters the tube and remove the syringe, replacing the cap before unfolding the tube.

Step 4

5. Fill the syringe with food and put it back in the probe, bending the tube to remove the cap.

Step 5 and 6

6. Slowly press the syringe plunger, emptying the 100 ml in about 3 minutes, to prevent food from entering the stomach too quickly. Repeat this step until you finish feeding all the food, folding and capping the probe with the cap each time you remove the syringe.

After feeding the person

After feeding the person with a nasogastric tube, it is important to wash the syringe and put at least 30 ml of water in the tube to wash the tube and prevent it from becoming clogged. However, if the probe has not yet been watered, the probe can be washed with about 70 ml to prevent the patient from being thirsty.

Care after feeding the person with probe

After feeding the person with a nasogastric tube it is important to keep them seated or with their backs raised for at least 30 minutes, to allow easier digestion and avoid the risk of vomiting. However, if it is not possible to keep the patient seated, he must be turned to the right side to respect the anatomy of the stomach and prevent reflux of food.

In addition, it is important to give water through the tube regularly and maintain the patient's oral hygiene because, even if they do not feed through the mouth, the bacteria continue to develop, which can cause cavities or thrush, for example.

See also other important care for the bedridden person at:

Stomach tube: care and how to feed