Home Symptoms What to do to lower the fever (in adults and children)

What to do to lower the fever (in adults and children)


The fever arises when the body temperature is above 37.8ºC, if the measurement is oral, or above 38.2ºC, if the measurement is made in the rectum.

This temperature change is more frequent in the following cases:

  • Infection, such as tonsillitis, otitis, or urinary tract infection; Inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or giant cell arthritis.

Although it is more rare, fever can also occur in cases of cancer, especially when there is no other apparent cause such as colds or flu.

When the fever is not very high, being below 38º C, the ideal is that first try to use homemade and natural methods, such as bathing in warm water or white willow tea, and, if the fever does not subside, consult your general practitioner to start treatment with antipyretic drugs, such as Paracetamol, which should not be used without guidance.

See how to correctly measure body temperature.

Natural treatments to lower fever

There are several natural methods that can help lower your fever before you need to use antipyretic remedies, and include:

  • Remove excess clothes; Stay close to a fan or in an airy place; Place a towel wet in cold water on the forehead and wrists; Take a bath with warm water, not too hot or too cold; Keep resting at home, avoiding go to work; drink cold water; drink orange, tangerine or lemon juice because it strengthens the immune system.

However, if you are a child under 3 months of age, or a person with heart, lung or dementia, you should see a general practitioner immediately, especially if the fever is over 38 ° C. The same applies to the elderly, who generally have greater difficulty in assessing their own temperature, since, over the years, some thermal sensation is lost.

Main pharmacy remedies

If the fever is above 38.9ºC, and if the home methods are not enough, the general practitioner can advise the use of antipyretic remedies such as:

  • Paracetamol, such as Tylenol or Pacemol; Ibuprofen, such as Ibufran or Ibupril; Acetylsalicylic acid, such as Aspirin.

These remedies should be used with caution and only in cases of high fever and should not be taken continuously. If the fever persists, the general practitioner should be consulted again to assess whether an examination is necessary to try to identify the cause of the fever, and the use of antibiotics may be necessary to combat a possible infection. Learn more about the drugs used to lower the fever.

In the case of children, the dose of the drug varies according to weight and, therefore, one should always inform the pediatrician before using any medicine. Here's what to do to lower baby fever.

Home remedies options

A good way to lower the fever before resorting to an antipyretic remedy, is to choose to take a warm tea to cause sweating, thus reducing the fever. It should be noted that these herbal teas cannot be taken by babies without the pediatrician's knowledge.

Some of the teas that help to lower the fever are:

1. Ash Tea

Ash tea, in addition to helping to lower the fever, also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that relieve the discomfort associated with fever.


  • 50g of dry ash bark, 1 liter of hot water.

Method of preparation

Place the dry bark of ash in the water and boil for 10 minutes and filter. Take 3 to 4 cups a day until the fever subsides

2. Quineira Tea

Quineira tea helps to lower fever and also has antibacterial properties. Its action is enhanced when used in conjunction with the white willow and the elm tree.


  • 0.5 g of very thin sliced ​​bark shell, 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

Place the bark shell in the water and let it boil for ten minutes. Drink 3 cups a day before meals.

3. White willow tea

White willow tea helps to lower the fever because this medicinal plant has salicoside in its bark, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and febrifugal action.


  • 2 to 3 g of white willow bark; 1 cup of water.

Method of preparation

Place the white willow bark in the water and boil for 10 minutes. Then filter and drink 1 cup before each meal.

There are other teas that can be taken to lower the fever, such as apple tea, thistle or basil, for example. See 7 teas to lower your fever naturally.

What not to do when a child has a fever

Fever happens very often in the child, causing great anxiety in the family, but it is important to avoid doing some things that could make the situation worse:

  • Try to warm the child up, putting more clothes on, or putting more clothes on the bed; Use remedies to lower the fever at fixed times; Decide to treat the fever with antibiotics; Insist with the child to eat normally and abundantly; Assume that the fever is high due to a tooth rash.

In some cases it is normal for children to have seizures because their brain is still immature, and the nervous system is more vulnerable to a rapid rise in temperature. When this happens, it is important to note the time of the onset and end of the crisis, put the child on its side and the room temperature must be lowered until the child wakes up. If it is the first febrile seizure, you should immediately go to the emergency room.

When to go to the pediatrician

It is advisable to consult the pediatrician when the child's fever is accompanied by:

  • Vomiting; Severe headache; Irritability; Excessive drowsiness; Difficulty breathing;

In addition, children under 2 years old or who are over 40ºC of body temperature should always be evaluated by a pediatrician, as there is a greater risk of complications.

What to do to lower the fever (in adults and children)