Home Symptoms Chickpea flour

Chickpea flour


Chickpea flour can be used as a substitute for traditional wheat flour, being a great choice to be used in weight loss diets for bringing more fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals to the menu, in addition to having a pleasant taste that combines with various preparations.

It can be used in recipes for cakes, breads, pies and cookies, in addition to being easily added in natural juices and vitamins, and has the following health benefits:

Improve digestion, as it does not contain gluten and is rich in fiber;

  1. Give more satiety and help to lose weight, for being rich in fibers and proteins; Help control cholesterol and diabetes, due to its fiber content; Help to lose weight, for having low glycemic index; Prevent anemia, as it contains folic acid and iron; Prevent cramps by having magnesium and phosphorus; Prevent osteoporosis, as it is rich in calcium.

In addition, since it does not contain gluten, chickpea flour can be easily digestible and can be used by people with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

How to make chickpea flour at home

To do at home, you must follow the steps shown in the recipe below:


  • 500 g of chickpeas mineral or filtered water

Method of preparation:

Place the chickpeas in a container and cover with water, soaking between 8 and 12 hours. After this period, drain the water and spread the chickpeas on a clean cloth to help remove excess water. Then, spread the chickpeas on a baking sheet and take to the oven preheated to 180º C, leaving to bake for about 40 minutes or until golden brown, stirring occasionally so as not to burn. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Beat the chickpeas in a blender until they become a flour. Pass the flour through a sieve and return to the low oven for 15 minutes to dry completely (stir every 5 minutes). Wait to cool and keep in a clean and tightly closed glass container.

Nutritional information

The following table shows the nutritional table for 100 g of chickpea flour.

Quantity: 100 g
Energy: 368 kcal
Carbohydrate: 57.9 g
Protein: 22.9 g
Fat: 6.69 g
Fibers: 12.6 g
B.C. Folic: 437 mg
Phosphor: 318 mg
Calcium: 105 mg
Magnesium: 166 mg
Iron: 4.6 mg

Because it does not contain gluten, this flour less irritates the intestines of people who are sensitive or with diseases such as Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Crohn's Disease. Find out what are the symptoms of gluten intolerance.

Carrot Cake recipe with chickpea flour


  • 1 cup of chickpea flour1 cup of potato starch1⁄2 cup of oatmeal3 eggs240 g of raw carrots (2 large carrots) 200 ml of vegetable oil1 1⁄2 cup of brown sugar or demerara3 tablespoons of green banana biomass1 tablespoon baking powder

Method of preparation:

Beat the carrot, oil, biomass and eggs in a blender. In a deep container, mix the flours and sugar, and pour the mixture from the blender, stirring well until it becomes a homogeneous mass. Add the yeast and mix again. Place the dough in a greased cake pan and place in a preheated oven at 200ºC for 30 to 40 minutes.

Find out about other healthy flour at: Eggplant flour for weight loss.

Chickpea flour