Home Symptoms Mustard is good for the liver and for digestion

Mustard is good for the liver and for digestion


The mustard plant has leaves covered with small fur, small bunches of yellow flowers and its seeds are small, hard and dark.

Mustard seeds can be used as a condiment, and to make home remedy for rheumatic pain and bronchitis. Its scientific name is Brassica nigra, Sinapis alba and can be purchased in health food stores, some supermarkets and in street markets.

The main health benefits of mustard include:

  • Purify the liver; Promote digestion; Combat headache; Combat the flu, cold; Strengthen the immune system; Relieve sore throat; Combat cramps; Combat lack of appetite; Relieve muscle, rheumatic pain and contusions;

These benefits are related to its properties: digestive, diuretic, blood circulation stimulant, laxative, aperitif, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, sweat, anti-rheumatic and tonic.

How to use

The parts used are mustard seeds and leaves. Medicinally, a poultice can be made with these seeds.

Compress with mustard seeds


  • 110 g of crushed mustard seeds

Method of preparation

Knead the mustard seeds with a pestle, and if necessary add 2 tablespoons of warm water, until it forms a porridge. Then spread this poultice over gauze or a clean cloth and leave it for 15 minutes on the affected area in case of rheumatism. Then wash carefully and apply a moisturizer in the region to avoid skin irritation. In case of bronchitis, apply the poultice on the chest, not allowing more than 5 minutes.

Check out another medicinal way to use mustard seeds: Home remedy for rheumatism.

Another more popular way to consume mustard is through mustard sauce, easily found in supermarkets. However, this sauce should not be consumed in large quantities, because it can be very caloric and favor weight gain.

Homemade and healthy mustard sauce

To prepare a homemade and healthier mustard sauce, you need:


  • 5 tablespoons of mustard seeds100 ml of white wine to season to taste with salt, black pepper, garlic, tarragon, paprika or other preferred

Method of preparation

Soak the mustard seeds in the white wine and then beat in a blender or mixer until you get a smooth paste. Then season with your favorite condiments.

Side effects

Excessive doses of mustard seeds can be toxic and can cause vomiting, gastritis, abdominal pain and severe irritations to mucous membranes or skin. Avoid eye contact.


Mustard is contraindicated for individuals with gastrointestinal problems. In case of sensitive skin, avoid using poultice with mustard seeds.

Mustard is good for the liver and for digestion